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Book: CarnalPromise by Elle Amour Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elle Amour
was it that captured her dreams?
    “Danger. No…” Her eyes fluttered and her body jerked.
    He held her closer. “Shh,” he whispered in her ear and
stroked her golden hair. “It’s okay, Jinn. The war’s over. You’re safe. Nothing
will harm you. Sleep.”
    “Mmm.” She batted her eyes a few times then sealed them
shut, nestling against him. Soon her breaths grew even and shallow once more.
    He lightly touched his lips against the upper rim of her
ear. He didn’t want to wake her, but asleep, she didn’t fight him and for once,
he could show her the kindness he’d wanted from the first. He kissed her again,
burying his nose in her hair, appreciating the comfort of her body. He needed
her. And she needed him. But how would he convince her to stop fighting him?
What he wanted made sense. She had to come to see that.
    He closed his eyes a moment, hoping and praying she would
stop her struggle against him, but weariness threatened him.
    He forced his eyes open. Before he fell asleep, there was
still one precaution he had to take.
    Sighing, he gently pushed away from her, not happy about what
he had to do. She’d been too clever by far in eluding him—and he’d been after
her for way too long. Finding her had not been an easy task and he intended not
to have to do so again.
    He had no choice.
    Easing away from her, he reached for his discarded clothes
on the floor, looking for his combat pack. Finding it, he opened it and pulled
out his restraining device. He’d be damned if he’d let her get away from him
    Breathing deeply, he turned and studied her again, allowing
himself one more moment of peace, another small space of time to appreciate his
mate’s beauty. The fact that she was his.
    He let his amazement at this simple thought sink in, let his
awe and all that this entailed surround him. He would soon be bonded to his
enemy and the war would be over. The peace of the people was what mattered now.
    Sliding next to her back, he covered her body with his,
savoring the way her frame fit perfectly against him. In sleep, her body
responded, nestling against the warmth he provided. She rested her head in the
crook of the arm he’d slid under her head. The soft strands of her light hair
shone against the dark ones on his forearms. He liked the mix—light, dark.
    Putting the restraints behind his back, he ran a hand
against the shape of her exposed side, marveling at the feel of her smooth
skin, praying, that even though they’d been enemies, this would work—if he
could get past her defenses.
    He closed his eyes and held her. For many moments, he just
lay there, reveling in the peace of her body next to his, of her sweet ass
nestled against his crotch, knowing that in the morning, the serenity would be
gone. For whatever reason, she still feared him. He knew that, but not why, and
knew that she would not accept his demands, not yet anyway. Thankfully, her brother
was on his side. Perhaps he could get her to see reason.
    Finally, sleep threatened to claim him. “Jinn?” he
whispered, hoping she continued to slumber.
    She gave no answer. Regretfully, he reached for the cuffs.
Taking the forearm on her exposed side in his hand, he clasped one end of the
manacle to her wrist. Reaching carefully with the arm of his she slept on, he
snapped the other cuff to his right, the same as hers.
    Satisfied, he kissed the strands of her hair again, knowing
that this way, when she stirred, he would awaken. Hell, even if she did find
some way to run, she would have to take him with her because she couldn’t get
the restraints off without the code he’d added to the touch lock.
    He huffed and closed his eyes. She wouldn’t like this twist
and he predicted she’d be pissed about it in the morning.
    He would find out for sure when she woke. If anything, his
mate did not seem to be one to keep her temper.
    Warmth. Safety.
    Jinn felt the serenity again but this time even more
solidly, as if it was a permanent part of

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