Until Today

Free Until Today by Pam Fluttert

Book: Until Today by Pam Fluttert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pam Fluttert
What was I thinking earlier to believe he was the nice Uncle Greg? Snakes never change.
    Scott waves. “Sure, whatever. Good luck.” He turns and walks away. How could he not see what Greg is doing?
    I open my mouth to yell at him, wanting so badly to make him come back and help me, but nothing comes out. Embarrassment over the thought that Scott might have seen Greg’s hand rubbing my bare back and fingering my bra strap, wins over my need to reach out for help. Scott would blame me. He would think I’m a slut for letting Greg touch me like this. It’s better to let him go.
    â€œPlease don’t,” I plead, my back still facing Greg. Every slide of his hand up and down my back makes me feel more and more dirty.
    His fingers start to fiddle with my bra, trying to undo it.
    â€œNo, I don’t want you to.” I can’t stand the babyish voice that comes from somewhere inside me.
    â€œCome on, Kitty Kat. You’ve kept me waiting. Didn’t I tell you the other day that it’s not over between us?”
    I hate it when he calls me Kitty Kat. He has made me into his pet – one that obeys his every command before being rewarded with love and affection. My cheeks burn and I begin to feel flushed. Sweat gathers on my forehead.
    Greg lets go of my shirt. I move to step away from him but he wraps his arm around my waist, his fingers circling around my stomach, pulling me a little farther from the porch light to the edge of the patio. His grip is like an iron bar, imprisoning me. Tears of anger and frustration gather in my eyes, as the knot inside my stomach tightens.
    I try to push his hand away from my stomach, barely recognizing my own voice pleading with him to stop.
    â€œWhy not, Kat? After everything I’ve done for you, why not?” Greg murmurs in my ear and brushes his fingers across my skin. “I’ve handled your dad and told him I’d talk to you. He’s with Sarah, where he really wants to be. He doesn’t love you as much as her, but I’ll always be here for you, Kat.”
    The feel of his breath as he whispers in my ear sends chills down my spine. My stomach starts to heave and I’m dizzy and nauseated. Please let it be over quickly.
    The porch light blurs as the familiar floating sensation takes over. My gaze remains fixed on the corner of the house as my mind begins to black out. The surrounding sights and sounds fade as reality slides away from the private place I create for myself, where Greg does not exist. A piece of me goes to this private place every time Greg touches me. My private place is without dreams, people, thoughts, or worries – only darkness exists there.
    â€œGreg, I’ve been looking all over for you. Are you ready?”
    I jump at the sound of Amy’s voice, returning from my black place with a jolt. She appears around the corner of the house and stops, staring at me and Greg.
    I’m still in front of Greg, my back to him. Amy would be able to see Greg’s arm wrapped around me. In the darkness can she see his hand under my shirt with my hand on top of his?
    The trees stop rustling in the breeze, the crickets stop chirping, and the moon looks down on us, as if waiting for the drama to unfold. Amy must be able to hear my pounding heart over the sudden hush of the evening. Her eyes dart back and forth between Greg and me.
    Greg squeezes me, as if giving me a friendly hug. “I was just trying to calm Kat down. She’s upset about earlier.”
    His squeeze tightens, conveying a silent warning for me to play along.
    â€œIs that so?” Amy looks directly at me.
    â€œYeah,” I whisper. Tears of mortification pool in my eyes, and I look away from Amy.
    â€œLet’s get going.” Greg steps out from behind me. The back of my shirt falls, covering my back.
    Greg puts his hand on my arm in a fatherly gesture. “Like I said, Kat, don’t worry. Sarah is safe and sound, and your

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