This Dying World: The End Begins

Free This Dying World: The End Begins by James Dean

Book: This Dying World: The End Begins by James Dean Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Dean
Tags: Zombies
confirmed lost.  Courtney had been a friend before Abby and I married.  She was just one of the guys, quick witted and funny.  She was the kind of person who was always there for you regardless of how bad things were for her.  She knew the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek.  (In my world…this is on the same scale of importance as food and water.)  She was a good friend, and there was nothing I could do for her.
    Then the idea hit me.  I knew Chris would be pissed, but I was tired of feeling helpless.  I needed to try and do something, no matter how small my action might be.  Any lifeline I could throw would be worth it.  I didn’t even know how many people would get my text, but I had to try something.  I furiously punched out the message on my phone, addressing it to everyone in my contact list.
    “All.  If you can make it, we have a rally point.  There are weapons and food.  If you can make it, come.  Bring supplies.  Cell network will fail.  Use CB radio ch. 9.  If you can’t leave safely, don’t.  Good luck.”
    I tapped in the farm’s address, and stared at my message with my finger hovering over the send button.  I didn’t know if the message would get out.  The cell network would probably be overtaxed, or completely taken over by the military.
    “Please,” I prayed as I hit the send button.  I held my breath as my message began to transmit.  I exhaled when the “message sent” alert flashed across the screen.  It was a long shot, but I felt as if for the first time that night I had truly fought back.  I felt like I may just have a chance at helping at least someone.  I felt like…I had to pee!
    I tried to get out of the car quietly.  Seeing that I felt like I was two gallons full in a one gallon tank, stealth may have been too lofty a goal.  For once that night I was glad I only wore my boxer briefs.  Phone in hand, I closed the car door, louder than I wanted to.  I glanced back and saw yet another of Abby’s glares as I made my way to the snowy section of the barn.  To hell with writing my name in the snow, I was prepared to pull off the whole Declaration of Independence.  With signatures!
    The vibration of my phone suddenly pulled me out of my eye crossing relief.  Although that moment wasn’t the most ideal time for a chat, I couldn’t ignore it.  I didn’t know which would go first, the cell network or the phone battery.  I didn’t want to chance missing any calls that night.  Besides, I just sent out my text message, someone might actually have called back.
    “Where the hell are you?!” Chris sounded like he was talking through a kazoo.  As much as it would swell his head to know it, I was happy to hear from him.
    “I’m pissing in a barn.  What’s up?” I asked, trying to sound care free.
    “What’s up?!  I’ve been scared shitless and you’re out there…wait you’re doing what?!”
    “Pissing in a barn.  Don’t worry no one’s home.”
    “Can you stop being a smart ass and be serious for once?” he demanded.
    “You know, I answered that question earlier and got punched for it.  So I’m just going to say no.”
    “What the hell are you doing in a barn?” he asked.  “And don’t say pissing!” he followed up quickly.
    “We had to stop.  I almost killed myself getting out of the house.  Someone shot holes in Abby’s car too.  I thought it would be safer for us to get off the road and rest until its light enough out to see further than my own nose.  I don’t know how long it will take to get there either.  I don’t trust the highways right now, so I’m laying low on back roads,” I said as I walked back to the car shivering.
    “Good idea,” he said.  “I’m watching it on the news, those things are everywhere on the roads.  The highways are at dead stops.  Are you guys okay?”
    “Yeah, we’re going to get some rest and hit it in the morning.  I’ll try and call at least once a day

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