In Petrakis's Power

Free In Petrakis's Power by Maggie Cox

Book: In Petrakis's Power by Maggie Cox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maggie Cox
the polished wooden floor to help regain her equilibrium, because her heart was thudding alarmingly at the daunting prospect of what she was agreeing to do. ‘You’d better tell me when you’re intending to travel.’
    ‘As far as I’m concerned, the sooner the better. Could you be ready to go in a week’s time?’
soon. I’ll need to arrange help at the B&B for my mum while I’m away. I hope a week will be enough time for me to organise things.’
    ‘You have already intimated to me that you are a good organiser, Natalie. I’m sure a week will give you plenty of time. You should be ready to leave next Monday, when I intend us to travel on an early-morning flight. As we will be departing from Heathrow you should probably arrange to stay with your father the night before.’
    ‘I’m sure that won’t be a problem.’
    ‘I’m sure it won’t.’ With a mocking glint in his eye, Ludo drolly echoed her comment. ‘Especially when he learns that I am not as uncharitable and hard-hearted as you both first suspected.’
    ‘I never meant to deliberately insult you by what I said. I was just upset, as any loving daughter would be, at the prospect of my dad struggling to get by afterpaying all his debts. It seemed so unfair that after being forced to sell his business after so many dedicated years of hard work the proceeds wouldn’t even leave him enough to live on.’
    Even though she had felt entirely justified, Natalie was still embarrassed at being reminded of her accusatory outburst at the meeting.
    Flushing, she glanced briefly down at her watch and declared, ‘I really do have to go now—but there’s just one more thing I need to say before I leave.’ Her teeth nibbled anxiously at her lip. ‘I’m really sorry to hear about your brother. Such a dreadful loss must have been devastating for you and your family … I really feel for you all.’
    A shadow seemed to move across Ludo’s bright blue irises, momentarily darkening them. ‘Devastating is not a big enough word,’ he murmured, awkwardly dragging his fingers through his thick fair hair. ‘But I appreciate your sympathy.’
    ‘Well, I think it’s time I left. Presumably you’ll ring me when you have the flight times?’
    ‘You can count on it.’ Moving with her towards the door, Ludo lightly touched her arm. ‘But I won’t just be contacting you then. I’m going to ring you during the week—preferably in the evenings, when I’m not working. I think it’s quite important that we get to know each other a little before our trip, don’t you?’
    ‘Talking to each other on the phone is hardly the best way to get to know someone, but I suppose it will have to do if we can’t see each other.’
    ‘As much as I would like to, it’s impossible for meto free up any time to see you this week, Natalie. For now, phone calls will have to suffice.’
    Meeting his enigmatic gaze, she could do no more than shrug in agreement, even though in truth she was disappointed. It was a mystery to her how Ludo had got under her skin so quickly. She’d never experienced such a tangible sense of connection with a man before, and everything that she believed about herself had been turned on its head.
    ‘Okay. I’ll expect your calls later on in the week, then,’ she murmured.
    ‘Good. By the way, when we arrive in Rhodes the weather should be seasonally hot. Bring plenty of suitable clothing and sun-cream,’ he suggested.
    The sociable smile that accompanied his words was far warmer than she’d expected after the sorrow he’d just expressed about the loss of his brother, and Natalie was already nursing a secret hope that he might talk about his sibling more fully during their time together in Greece. There was so much about this complex, surprising man that she longed to discover.
    ‘I will.’
    She couldn’t help feeling shy all of a sudden, and curled her palm round the brass doorknob, then swept out of the office into the reception

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