The Dragon Engine

Free The Dragon Engine by Andy Remic

Book: The Dragon Engine by Andy Remic Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andy Remic
    â€œLillith is on her way. We’ve not seen or spoken to Sakora or Talon since last we met.”
    Beetrax nodded, dressed, grabbed his pack, and pounded down the stairs. He settled his bill with the landlord, and took a fond look around The Fighting Cocks . It had been a home to him these past few years; a place to drink, eat, party, brawl, a home from home (and indeed, mostly his home, as his home was a humourless cold place run by servants with whom he had no affinity; he found it easier to “slum it” at the Cocks after a hard night of drinking; ironically, he decided, some people should really not be blessed with riches because all they did was squander their good fortune).
    Stepping out into the cold air, he gave a wary glance to the shed. The shed where he’d locked, well, damn him, the great nephew of King Yoon, King of Vagandrak. Beetrax gave a nervous grin. But shit, I didn’t see that one coming!
    The stable boy brought out his horse, Bella, and she nuzzled Beetrax’s bruised knuckles. Dropping from his own mount, Dake nodded to his fists. “Trouble?”
    â€œNo. No trouble. Too much ale. I fell.”
    â€œYeah, and horses can walk on water.”
    Jonti turned in her saddle, and pointed. “Lillith is here.”
    A small, grey mare cantered into the courtyard, and Lillith, dressed in white skirts and a thick white fur, dropped from her own mount. She cast a quick glance over the gathered group. “So, I see we are still about this madness, then?”
    â€œYou turned up,” pointed out Beetrax.
    â€œI am simply thinking of the greater good to the world of medicine.” Her dark eyes fixed on Beetrax. “You are well, Axeman?”
    He caught her scent, and his lips were suddenly dry. “I am, Lady,” he said.
    â€œHa! I am nobody’s Lady. Now, I have herbs and powders with great healing properties. I have my diary, a quill, and enough ink to compose a thousand pages of letters. The Head Librarian from the Great Library has given me his blessing, and unlimited resources for tracking down ancient texts…”
    â€œYou told him where we were going?” said Beetrax, aghast.
    â€œOf course! He is an old and trusted friend.”
    â€œIt was supposed to be a secret adventure,” snapped Beetrax.
    â€œIf I know you, every whore within a two league radius knows of our plans! Anyway. Do we know when Talon and Sakora will arrive?”
    Jonti pointed, to where a clatter of almost panicked hooves were striking sparks from the cobbles. Around a bend came Talon, pushing his horse hard and screaming for people to clear a path from the middle of the frozen road.
    â€œHe… looks in a hurry,” observed Dake, exchanging a glance with his wife.
    â€œI wonder what he’s been up to?” said Beetrax, feeling a trickle of apprehension worming between his shoulder blades.
    â€œ I wonder if he’s opened the eyes of yet another young sexually innocent noble…”
    Talon slammed through the gates to The Fighting Cocks’ courtyard, and leapt from his lathered mount. Talon was flustered, seemingly out of breath. He whirled, and stared hard at Beetrax.
    â€œ What have you done ?” he gasped.
    â€œEr. Me?” said Beetrax, eyes wide, all innocent.
    â€œKing Yoon’s great fucking nephew is missing, along with two of his bodyguards. His girlfriend, Lady Arsehole something-or-other was drunk in a tavern – she does not remember which – but she does remember a huge man with bushy ginger hair, bushy ginger beard, and military tattoos on his neck and hands and probably his arse… Beetrax? What did you do?”
    â€œWhat? WHAT? Why are you all looking at me? I didn’t do nothing.”
    â€œBeetrax?” said Lillith, in the tone that always made him blab.
    â€œWell,” he preened, “I don’t see how they could pin anything on me, like. Those spoilt bastards came to

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