Untamed Fire
evening?” Dona Maria asked.
    Gaby walked over to stand beside Rafael and
scooped up another spoonful of berries. “Anita won’t be able to
return to her duties for a few days.”
    “Does she require a doctor?” Rafael asked,
forcing Gaby’s eyes to meet his.
    Her hand tightened on the spoon handle and
she settled a hard gaze on him that had him wondering what she was
thinking. It wasn’t difficult to realize that passion flickered in
both their eyes and he wondered if she was as lost as he in their
heated exchange.
    Gaby hurriedly filled his bowl and stepped
back. “She just needs to stay off her feet for awhile.”
    “It isn’t anything serious is it?” Dona
Maria asked.
    Gaby’s gaze remained fixed on Rafael as she
answered, “No, she’ll be fine.”
    “Is her pregnancy presenting a problem?”
Rafael asked.
    “Rafael,” Dona Maria chastised. “It isn’t
proper to discuss a woman’s condition.”
    “It is when she is part of my staff and my
responsibility. Now, as I asked, does she require a doctor?”
    “Lupe assures that a few days off her feet
should do it and I’ve offered to take on some of her chores to
lighten her burden.”
    “That won’t be necessary,” Rafael said.
“I’ll reassign her duties. You have enough to see to being my
mother’s companion.”
    “I’m capable of handling her tasks,” Gaby
    Rafael was well aware that she was more than
capable. Lupe sung the girl’s praises every chance she got. No, it
was the fact that she would be in his rooms, touching his things,
leaving her scent on his clothes, his pillows, his bedding. And the
thought of her bringing him his evening glass of wine and turning
down his bedding could prove dangerous—very dangerous.
    “You will tend to your job. I will find
someone to help Anita,” he said more sternly than he had
    Gaby gave a sharp nod and placed the bowl of
berries in the center of the table.
    Rafael could tell she was annoyed, though
wondered why she would object to keeping her chores light.
    “I must speak to Lupe about this evening,”
Dona Maria said placing her napkin on the table.
    Gaby went directly to her side to help her
up, gently easing her chair back as the woman stood.
    “When you finish clearing the table see that
my rose-colored dress is pressed.” Dona Maria moved slowly toward
the door, still growing accustom to walking without the aid of the
wheelchair. “Also see that Rafael’s white embroidered shirt is
cleaned and pressed.” She stopped at the door and turned. “I
suppose we have no choice but to have you serve this evening. Since
you are not familiar with the role and often speak when you please,
you need to be aware that is inappropriate when serving dinner
guests. You will hold your tongue this evening, Gaby.” With that
said Dona Maria walked out of the room.
    The force of his strong voice had Gaby
jumping and turning to face him. He stood looking ever the
imperious Don, except for one stubborn black curl that taunted his
sun-drenched forehead. She noted more willful curls around his ears
and brushing along his white collar. They certainly reflected his
mulish nature.
    He walked over to her and she raised her
chin to look him straight in the eyes.
    “My shirt is on the chair in my room. Touch
nothing else.”
    Gaby grew annoyed as he headed toward the
door and called out, “Don Rafael.”
    His name so sharp on her tongue halted his
strides and had him turning to glare at her.
    With a hand on her hip and her tone defiant,
she said. “I am not a thief. You need not worry about me stealing
from you or embarrassing you in front of the woman you intend to
    Rafael approached her having not given a
thought to her stealing from him. He was more concerned that her
sweet potent scent would linger in his room to torment him. But
since she mentioned it... “You have yet to convince me of your
    Was she innocent? Had no man ever touched
    He grew angry

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