
Free Family by J. California Cooper

Book: Family by J. California Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. California Cooper
bright, freckled, young, made Always narrow her eyes and prepare to hateher. But the hate did not come. Instead, she looked at Doak with that hate. When she looked back at the young Sue, she felt sorry for her.
    She went out then to welcome her just as Doak called her name, “Ally.” He didn’t like the name “Always”, too long, he said.
    “Yes suh. Here.” She came to stand on the porch.
    “This your new Madame.”
    “Yes suh.”
    “Mrs. Sue.”
    “Yes suh. Howdy, Mrs. Sue.”
    Sue sounded glad to see the girl. “Howdy do, Ally.”
    “Name is Always, if you like, Miss Sue.”
    Doak spoke up as he carried the bags in. “Ain’t no Miss Sue, is a Mrs., a Madame. A Mistress of Butlerville.” He came up behind his wife. He looked gently at her. He loved her. She was his pride. And he was faithful to her til her sickness forced him to Always and others. He truly loved her. He was tender, gentle, and kind to his wife all her days. She never once, or more than once, thought he was unfaithful to her tho she worrieda bit at first from all she had heard of gentlemen and pretty slaves. But, she was in turn wholesome, and she loved Doak as time went by. She gave herself to him with joy and lived in pleasure and peace til her end, which was not far off, as is almost always when you are happy. Listen at me. The end is almost never far off any time at all!
    Now, even in the happiest house there is what is called shit. But, she was good, he was happy. He was good to her, for her, around her.
    Sue became pregnant in one week really. Always was pregnant from the start. She knew it, but she didn’t tell … yet. So they conceived little more than two weeks apart. Yet … he loved his wife. He didn’t even think of Always.
    Sue was lonely for the first month or so. Lonely for her family and past life, friends and things familiar. She really did not miss them, but she thought she did. Seems then she settled into her new state of Mistress of her own home and slaves. She tried to be busy, even to help Always in the kitchen. Her upbringin had prepared her for cookin and sewin things. But Doak didn’t like his wife actin like no slave, so she finally stoppedtryin, cept when he was gone sometimes. She and Always became kind of friends, tho Always spoke little.
    Sue was sure she was goin to have a baby by the second month of her marriage and she was happy. Always was the first person she told.
    Always had just washed Sue’s long dark hair and was combing and preparin to plait and roll the thick braids around her delicate, but sturdy, head. Sue was sittin in her quiet and reserved way, lookin out the kitchen window. She turned her head a little toward Always when she spoke to her.
    “This farm, the land is goin to do well someday, isn’t it?” For by now she knew they were only a little above poor. “I mean, it’s goin to be a good producin, rich farm someday, isn’t it?”
    Always looked at the top of the smooth, dark hair, the color of her own, but Always had small waves in hers and kept it tied up in her rag. She was, even already, jealous of the land tho it was rightfully Sue’s land. Her thoughtfulness made Sue turn even further round to look up at Always.
    “I mean, do they work it right and do thingsaccordin to the seasons?” Always still did not answer right away.
    “Well,” Sue continued, “Ain’t Doak, Master Doak, seein to all that? Oh, he got so much to do! And to have only a cripple brother to help him is almost just like no help at all. Tho I do love Jason, he is so sweet and uncomplainin.”
    Now Always answered, as she drew the brush through the damp hair. “Yes mam. But Masr Doak need more help. Them few mens don’t hardly work none when he gone.”
    “Well!” Indignant. “Does he know that? What can we do about it?”
    Always had already thought about that. “Get Masr Jason on a horse, tie him to it and set him out to overseer things.”
    Sue turned full round, stoppin Always from workin her

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