Dunn, Daisy - Earth's Desire [Elemental Magic 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Free Dunn, Daisy - Earth's Desire [Elemental Magic 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Daisy Dunn

Book: Dunn, Daisy - Earth's Desire [Elemental Magic 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Daisy Dunn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Daisy Dunn
    “I’m so sorry about your loss. You two must have been close for her to leave you her home. You have my deepest sympathies.” She placed her hand on his arm and rubbed it up and down gently for a few seconds. “You’re such a sweetheart to offer us your items. I’d be honored to take a look.”
    “I know Beverly would have wanted these items used and not thrown away, God rest her soul.” Judging from her reaction, she’s buying my story. I’m so close to taking her.
    “Where’s your vehicle parked?”
    “I thought it would be easier to unload things in the back of your store, so I pulled up in the back lane.”
    “All right, let’s go take a look. Flame, can you watch the store for a minute?” she called out to her friend.
    Without looking up from her clipboard, she waved her hand in the air briefly. “No problem.”
    “Follow me, Simon.”
    “Lead the way.”
    He walked behind her, his gaze never moving from the seductive sway of her full ass. He wished he could take the gorgeous redhead, too, and have fun with both of them, but he had a mission to accomplish. He didn’t want to complicate things anymore than they already would be.
    They paraded to the back of the store and went out the exit door. “This is my vehicle here.” He pointed to the black SUV parked directly in front of them.
    He led the way to the back of the vehicle. He fumbled for his keys in his coat pocket, his heart racing when his hand touched the bottle of chloroform. He undid the cap, making it ready to use in an instant. He found the keys deeper in his pocket and pulled them out. He tossed them on the ground in front of Ivy, pretending he dropped them there by accident.
    “Oh goodness, I’m so clumsy.” He feigned innocence.
    “I’ll get those for you.”
    With his hand already on the open bottle, he pulled it out, and the rag from his other pocket. He quickly poured a small dosage of the anesthetic on the rag and slipped the bottle back into his pocket. He had vast experience using chloroform in this way. Hiding the rag behind his back with one hand, he pointed to the keys she held with his other hand. “You can press the unlock button twice, and then we can get into the trunk.”
    Ivy did as he asked and unlocked the vehicle. He motioned for her to open the tailgate, and as she did, he made his move. He quickly went up behind her and placed the doused rag over her mouth and nose. His other hand wrapped around her waist, pulling her tight to his body. His pulsed quickened, and his heartbeat pounded in his ears. He heard her muffled screams, and his keys dropped on the ground again. She struggled at first, but the drug took over, and she quickly lost consciousness.
    She slumped in his arms, and her backside rubbed tantalizingly against his erection. He placed the rag back in his pocket and looked around the back lane to see if anyone had witnessed his attack. Satisfied after his brief look around, he opened up the tailgate and shoved Ivy inside. The chloroform would keep her knocked out for hours, so he had time to tie her up when they arrived at his rental house. I can’t wait for you to wake up and show you what I want to do to you. He slammed the door and took one last look around. Seeing no one around, he picked his keys off the ground and headed into his SUV. He fumbled with the keys for a moment, trying to get them into the ignition, but kept missing the hole. Calm down. He took a deep breath to calm his tattered nerves. He tried his keys again and this time inserted them on the first try. He started his vehicle and sped out of the area, heading to his temporary rental house at the edge of town, but not too far from the magic shop.

    * * * *

    Flame didn’t notice how much time had passed, but she knew it had been more than twenty minutes. Annoyed, she wondered what took so long for Ivy help unload some merchandise. She went to the front door and locked it. She turned and stormed to the back exit door, pushing

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