low classical music filled the air.
    "Tonight is for you." Her soft voice caressed his senses. Amidst the scent of roses surrounding him and the music floating through the room like a soft breeze, she approached him.
    He nodded, but again remained silent when he heard the wisp of clothing pool on the carpet and sensed her nakedness. His cock ached to be inside her hot channel, but he would play her game and enjoy every second of her dominance. This act of seduction pleased Lyon and a weight lifted from his heart.
    Her heavy breathing told him she was aroused; Lyon grew hungry for her as he sensed her nearness and her female scent. The bed dipped as she returned, and her long, unbound hair swept across his thighs, teasing upward to his nipples. His cock thickened. She tortured him, and he was willing to die from her touch. He could easily tear his ties and grab her, throw her on her back, and fuck her until pleasure engulfed them. But no, he would play her game, with the promise of the reward to follow. Her tongue invaded his mouth, circling his teeth and lips, tickling the roof of his mouth until his heart raced faster than a speeding car.
    "Isabella, darling, more, please."
    She obliged by trailing her tongue past his chin, her lips blazing a fiery trail to his chest. She began to nuzzle and then captured one beaded nipple between her teeth and bit down, just enough to make him arch his back and cause him to cry out in pleasure.
    "Witch." He heard a low feminine laugh, and closed his eyes, reveling in the magic of her mouth and tongue.
    As if her warm lips on his nipples weren’t enough to drive him insane, she made her way slowly down his torso, leaving fiery kisses on the way. Anticipation took his breath, as her tongue dipped inside his navel. He held his breath while she swirled her tongue in and out of the tiny crevice. Just before he cried out in surrender, her mouth lowered past his hips, lower, lower . . . .
    "Isabella . . . ." He warned.
    Finally, she reached her destination. Eyes tightly closed, Lyon basked in the sweet sensations of Isabella's lips on his cock. Her warm mouth exhibited blissful torture to his burning flesh.
    She suckled his crown, her long hair tickling his belly and groin. He reveled in the scent of her, the slight weight of her body over him. Her torturous lips slid to the sensitive underside, then lower to his tight sac, where she put him in her mouth and sucked.
    His control was crumbling, but he held back, sweat coating his brow. Don't stop, he thought, as she pleasured him with her mouth. He'd never burned so hot, so wild, in all his adult life.
    Isabella set him to flame like dry tinder, while holiday fireworks crackled low and exploded in the distance.
    "Belle," he cried, "Si vous plait."
    "Please, what, Lyon?" She crawled up his body then straddled him. Ah, yes, love, fuck me. As if reading his mind, Isabella moved and positioned herself over his aching cock. She lowered herself onto him until he was buried to the hilt.
    "Ride me, love, ride me over the edge. I beg you, Isabella. I cannot take much more."
    "Oh, but you will." She leaned and placed her nipple to his mouth. He latched onto the tight nub and sucked hard. "Yes, Lyon, please, more, more."
    "Give me your other nipple, Belle. Let me suck you until you come." She grew wet at his command, obeyed instantly. He tongued and suckled as if her flesh were a tasty treat. He loved the soft sounds of pleasure she made when he made a feast of those pebble hard nipples of hers.
    "I can take no more," he breathed. "Untie me, Belle, and we can go over together."
    "No," she breathed, "Not yet."
    She rode him harder and faster and he cried out, his head thrown back on the pillow as he roared out his pleasure.
    "Enough!" He tore the silk ties as if they were paper and slid off the cloth that covered his eyes. "I need to hold you." He rolled her onto her back and positioned his aching dick inside her.
    He brushed her hair away from her face and

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