Baron of the North
"They may come today.  Wulfric take half of the men at arms and wait to the west of the town.  There are hills and folds in the land which will hide you. Dick I know you will have put markers out for the distance I suggest you put traps on the western side of your lines to deter them.  It will keep the archers occupied. Leofric go with Dick.  I want the war horses on the southern side of the castle ready for us to change."
    The three of them left. "I want us to appear surprised.  Squires, as soon as you are given the command I want you to gallop south as though the devil himself was after you.  Ride to Leofric and help him with the horses. You will make as much noise as you can as you run. The rest of us will appear indecisive.  The fact that our banners are fleeing south should encourage them to keep up the chase. They will be eager for revenge and see a small number of knights fleeing them.  I have made a nuisance of myself before now.  I will give the command for the squires to run, then the men at arms and finally for the knights. It must appear as though we have been taken by surprise and we are frightened. I want their horsemen to be encouraged and to pursue us closely.  Do not worry; our horses will be fresher and we will be riding down the slope towards the castle.  We will easily outrun them."
    I had the scouts to the north of us.  I sent them in pairs so that one could rest and one could watch. What I could not possibly know was the makeup of the army or the conroi which was heading south. I would have to judge that myself.
    The thunder of hooves told me that the scouts had returned. "Baron, they are right behind us.  They spotted us.  I was asleep."
    "Do not worry, now gallop south." I heard the host but could not see it as it was hidden by a fold in the land.  "Squires, prepare!" I saw the banners begin to appear.  "Squires flee!" I lifted the reins and made Scout rear.  It added to the illusion of panic. "Men at arms! Go!"
    The enemy knights and warriors were just four hundred paces away when they appeared over the crest. This all depended now upon timing. I was already pulling Scout's head around when I shouted, "Retreat! We are doomed!"
    Harold laughed but he obeyed my command.  The ten of us spurred our horses. I glanced over my shoulder and saw the men who pursued us were just a hundred paces from us. The knights at the front of the Scottish line were leaning forward eagerly.  I noticed that they had neither spears nor lances. It was hard to estimate numbers for the vanguard hid those who followed. Our fresher horses began to extend our lead.  I saw that the knights were riding their destrier. Our palfreys were faster. Ahead I saw the men at arms as they disappeared into the sand dunes. It would appear as though they had panicked. We headed that way too. Our lead was now almost two hundred and fifty paces. We galloped through the dunes and I saw the squires waiting. I leapt from Scout and mounted Star.  He snorted and stamped his foot. He was eager for war. John handed me a lance. The scouts would follow us but not until we were all armed and ready.
    I whipped Star's head around to the north west and spurred him. "John! The standard!" John leapt on his horse and held the standard high. The standard from Durham was held by another squire and we turned to ride north.
    We were not in a solid line as we emerged from the dunes but we did not need to be. The enemy knights were just level with the castle and the arrows and bolts flew into them.  It was though the Scots had ridden into a stone wall. Horses and men pitched into the ground. John nudged his horse next to me.  Harold and Tristan flanked the two of us. I saw the line spreading like a long V. One or two of the knights had been a little tardy in mounting their war horses but it did not affect us over much. I steadied Star so that we could make a continuous line.  The enemy knights and men at arms were confused.  They turned to face

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