Devils with Wings: Silk Drop
thousand plus troops in the area, so they may quickly move to secure it, to bring fire down on the assault.”
    “But no heroics Brand,” added Fuchs. “Just attack and secure your target. Make a few probes towards the canal to keep the enemy occupied and on their toes, but don’t follow through with a full assault. Back off and dig in.”
    “We don’t want you getting mixed up with the follow up forces and we end up shooting at each other,” interjected Egger.
    “Is there an exit route sir, should the main attack be unsuccessful?”
    “It won’t fail Brand,” interjected Fuchs, “but if it should, then we will attempt an extraction by sea.”
    “Do you have a problem with any of this Brand?” asked Egger.
    Volkman jumped in. “He’s part of my battalion sir.”
    “Is there anything you need?” checked Fuchs.
    “Nothing sir,” responded Paul, still reeling from the enormity of the mission being thrust upon him and his men. “Just access to maps, ammunition and supplies. Oh, and somewhere for my men to prepare.”
    “Have you brought your own chutes with you?” asked Fuchs.
    “Yes sir, parachutes, weapons and weapons canisters.”
    “Excellent. There is a building west of the airfield you can use as your base. I shall have someone show you. Make sure you give them a list of your ammunition and supply requirements.”
    There was a sudden drone of aircraft overhead.
    “More aircraft arriving by the sound of it,” observed Volkman.
    “How many so far?” Egger asked Fuchs.
    “We have two thirds here already sir, another one hundred and thirty will be arriving the rest of this evening and tomorrow.”
    “When is the jump off sir?” questioned Paul, keen to glean as much information as possible and then get his unit ready.
    “The main drop is at oh seven hundred the day after tomorrow.”
    Paul did a quick calculation in his head. That meant the morning of the twenty seventh of April, which gave him and his men a full day to prepare.
    “Your men will drop five minutes later.”
    “You will be allocated fifteen Ju 52s for your men and equipment. Once you’ve been informed of which ones, it will be up to you to liaise with the flight commander, understood?” continued Fuchs.
    “Yes sir.”
    Paul turned to his battalion commander, “is the rest of the battalion taking part sir?”
    “They will be joining us in a few days, but you are on your own for this one.”
    “Right,” interrupted the Regimental Commander. “If you’ve no more questions gentlemen, I need to focus on other elements of the operation.”
    It was a gentle dismissal and Volkman and Paul saluted and the Raven escorted him to the entrance of the HQ.
    “Sorry to drop this one on you Brand, but you have the most experienced company and you will be the representatives of the battalion so I can’t afford any cock ups.”
    “My men will welcome some action sir. They were getting pretty bored back at the barracks.
    “They may think differently when they hit the ground,” suggested the Raven. “Go and get your men ready.”
    Paul saluted and left the HQ, his mind already swirling with the myriad of tasks he had ahead of him to prepare for the drop in less than two days.


    The men were lined up, the engines of the Junker 52’s throbbing behind them. Paul didn’t give a speech; he had spent the previous day with his men as they were all preparing for today’s assault. He had probably spoken to most of them individually at some point. He had gone through the plans in detail with his three platoon commanders. After numerous troop, platoon and a full company exercise, Paul, Max, Roth, Nadel and Leeb were satisfied that they were ready. The men were grouped into their flights, which equated to one troop per aircraft, the rest of the transports carrying their weapon canisters. Paul approached each troop, wishing them luck, finishing with a final confab with his officers and Max.
    “Well this is it gentlemen, we embark

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