Stone in Love

Free Stone in Love by Brook Cadence

Book: Stone in Love by Brook Cadence Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brook Cadence
Tags: Romance, Contemporary Romance
Charlie said. “With that kind of attitude, I’m sure you can do anything you want to.”
    “Thank you.” Lindsay covered her mouth and yawned, her eyes watering. “It was wonderful spending time with you today, but I’m getting tired. Mind if I take a rest on your satin sheets?”
    “Please do.”
    Lindsay left her flip–flops under the table and crawled into the bed. Charlie lay down beside her, both of them with their hands behind their heads. Lindsay took deep cleansing breaths, resting her over–worked mind. Good things were happening, but it was all so fast that she felt a little overwhelmed.
    “Do you want me to show you the other fancy feature this van has?” Charlie asked.
    “It doesn’t require me moving, does it?”
    “Of course not,” he said, reaching for a remote control on the sideboard. He laid his head down on the pillow next to Lindsay and aimed the remote at the ceiling. With a touch of the button, the roof rolled back displaying the starlit night above them. “Is that neat, or what?”
    “That is the coolest thing ever! The night is so clear, you can see at all the stars.” Lindsay kept her gaze firmly on the sky above, counting her blessings on the largest stars.
    Charlie caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. “The stars in the sky are reflecting in your eyes. They’re a gorgeous shade of green.”
    “Hazel,” Lindsay corrected. “That’s a nice compliment, especially when I’m without makeup.”
    “You’re a natural beauty.” Charlie rested his hand on her stomach and kissed her softly. His head jerked. “What was that?”
    “Your lips were trembling.”
    “I’m sorry. I guess I’m a bit anxious.”
    Charlie scooted to the foot of the bed and reached underneath, pulling out a duffle bag.
    Lindsay sat up. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it. You’re not going anywhere, are you?”
    Charlie unzipped the bag and turned around with a plush blanket. “Relax, doll, and lie back down. I thought this would make you more comfortable,” he said, covering and tucking the sides of the blanket around her.
    “Don’t worry about me putting the moves on you tonight,” Charlie assured her. “You’ve had a busy day. When it’s time for us to be together, I want it to be perfect. And maybe I’m being selfish, but I want to be the only thing on your mind. Close your eyes and rest. I’ll be right beside you.”
    Lindsay’s eyes were heavy. “You have a way about you,” she whispered, then fell asleep with the corners of her lips turned up. The look on her face spelled serenity in bold letters.
    Lindsay awoke to a beautiful melody orchestrated by the Carolina Wrens. Lifting her head off of what she thought was her pillow, she saw a bare chest covered with dark hair. She didn’t remember falling asleep. Charlie’s stomach muscles were prominent with the daylight shining in, and she couldn’t resist tracing the ripples with her finger.
    “Good morning, sunshine,” Charlie said drowsily. He stretched both his arms to the side, and then wrapped them around Lindsay. “Sleep well?”
    Lindsay nodded. “I must have been tired, because I slept hard. I almost forgot where I was.” She paused. “Did anything happen between us last night?”
    “No, though, I hope you don’t mind that I took off my shirt. I sleep more comfortably like that.”
    “Of course I don’t mind. It was nice waking up in your arms.” Lindsay laid her head on his chest, breathing in the scent of his skin, and nearly fell back asleep… until—”Oh my gosh!” she said, sitting straight up.
    “What’s wrong?”
    “My car. I forgot about it. It’s still at The Crust!”
    “Don’t worry, I already took care of it.”
    “What do you mean, ‘took care of it’?”
    “You’ll see when you get home. Trust me, everything’s fine.”
    Lindsay wrinkled her eyebrows, only half–convinced. “Are you sure?”
    “Positive. Now, what do you want to do today?” Charlie

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