Stone in Love

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Book: Stone in Love by Brook Cadence Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brook Cadence
Tags: Romance, Contemporary Romance
asked, putting on his shirt.
    “Let’s venture into the park and see what our options are.”
    “Sounds like a plan.”
    At seven a.m., Ireland and Jeffrey were still zipped up in their tent. They’d probably had an engaging night.
    Instead of bothering them, Lindsay and Charlie struck out walking on their own. They came across a sign pinned to a tree that said “1.5 mile nature trail” with an arrow pointing to the woods.
    “Want to give it a go?” Lindsay said.
    “Absolutely,” Charlie said. “You think you’ll be okay walking in those flip–flops?”
    “I’m sure I’ll be fine. C’mon,” Lindsay said, gripping Charlie’s hand.
    The deeper they walked down the trail, the more they understood just how “natural” it was. The path was cleared wide enough for only two to walk side–by–side. A group on the trail would have to walk in a single–file line. The track became hilly as it curved beside the river.
    “Now I wish I’d worn tennis shoes,” Lindsay said. “I can see somebody easily twisting an ankle out here.”
    “I know,” Charlie said. “Just watch your step.”
    Halfway down the trail, they encountered a tree with a few initials carved in. Some had hearts around them; others had dates that went back as far as twenty years.
    “Can you believe those initials have been there so long?” Lindsay said. “I wonder if any of those couples are together today?”
    “Not sure. I guess the only way to know which relationship stands the test of time is to add our initials,” Charlie said, reaching in his pocket. He flipped open the blade on his Swiss Army knife, and carved “C&L” above the other initials. He enclosed the letters with an animated bubbly–shaped airplane.
    “Awe, how sweet,” Lindsay said. “And you added a personal touch. So creative.”
    Charlie closed the knife and put it away. He dusted the wood shavings around the carving and stepped back to study his work. “The plane represents a love that soars above the clouds.”
    Lindsay looked down, pushing leaves around with her flip–flop. She wasn’t sure what to say, especially since she’d never experienced real love before.
    Charlie lifted her chin with the side of his index finger. “If we give it a chance to, that is. If we both agree to leave our hearts unguarded, I have every confidence that it could be like that.”
    Lindsay was starting to like the idea of being loved and in love. It was becoming easier to trust his words, though for now, she left her own undeclared. She pinned Charlie against the tree and gave him a seductive slip of the tongue, hoping her outward enthusiasm would reflect her inner joy.
    Her show of affection was cut short by a distant shriek. “What was that?”
    Charlie held up a finger. “Listen,” he said, his eyes roaming as he concentrated on which direction it was coming from.
    They heard it again, but this time the scream was followed by, “Help!”
    “It sounds like it’s coming from the river,” Charlie said.
    They ran as fast as they could, up and down the hilly trail until they got to the river embankment. “Is that Asher?”
    Thrashing about in the water, Asher yelled with the ear–piercing shriek of an adolescent.
    “Yes, that’s him,” Lindsay said apathetically. Should we go find out what his problem is?”
    “I guess every worm deserves help in his time of need,” Charlie answered.
    They took their time walking down the steep embankment, careful not to stumble. From the river’s edge, Lindsay called out to Asher. “What’s wrong?”
    “Help!” he screeched, still splashing, the look of utter terror on his face.
    Lindsay put both hands to the sides of her mouth. “What? Be still so I can hear you!”
    “It’ll bite me again if I don’t splash!”
    “What will?”
    “The snake!”
    “Hurry and get out of the water so we can help you,” Charlie shouted.
    Hearing Charlie’s command must have engaged his rationality because Asher complied without

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