Strangers for the Night (For The Night #1)

Free Strangers for the Night (For The Night #1) by C. J. Fallowfield

Book: Strangers for the Night (For The Night #1) by C. J. Fallowfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. J. Fallowfield
shirt, rolled at the sleeves. He’d had another shower, his hair
was all sexily damp and he’d washed off that aftershave I’d always loved, but
I’d been right, Logan smelled even better. He leaned in and placed an arm
around my waist and kissed my cheek. Damn it, he’d just made me flood again. I was going to have to eat more calories and keep them down if I was going to
keep up with him when he moved to New York to be with me.
    ‘You know I do, the limousine
driver’s already waiting downstairs and we can’t hold up your fathers’ jet.
I’ve had the most incredible night, Camilla. You really were a unique woman.’
    ‘Me too, you were … I don’t have
    ‘You should sleep, you look
    ‘Thank you so much,’ I sighed. He
kissed my forehead.
    ‘The pleasure was all mine.
Goodbye, Camilla.’
    ‘Bye, Logan.’ I watched him walk
through to the inner lobby and he glanced back and flashed a megawatt smile
that Hollywood could bottle. ‘I’ll be seeing you soon,’ I called. Little did he
know how soon that would be. I watched his sexy backside as he disappeared and
the doors automatically closed behind him and felt some tears trickling down my
face. I’d never wanted anything as much as I wanted Logan. Why did he have to
be the one thing I wanted that Daddy couldn’t buy for me? I stamped my foot on
the floor and pressed the touchscreen on the wall and dialled security. If
Blaine worked superfast I could get the jet to turnaround and bring Logan right
back to me and he’d never leave me again.
    ‘Miss Domville,’ came Blaine’s
voice. He sounded nervous.
    ‘I need that recording now, I
need to stop him leaving.’
    ‘I … I don’t know what to tell
you Miss Domville, but … there is no recording.’
    ‘What!’ I uttered.
    ‘There’s no recording,’ he almost
whispered as I felt the blood in my veins reach scorching point.
    ‘You what?!’ I screamed at
the system. ‘I was facing the damn camera, I played it perfectly .’
    ‘I don’t understand what
happened, I tested it back here in my office and had a clear view of the hot
tub and decking, but now there’s nothing.’
    ‘Fuck, fuck, FUCK, Blaine! I
swear if I could get you fired right now I would. Now I’m going to have to wait
months to book Logan to come back so we can try again.’
    ‘I don’t know what to say, I’m so
sorry, this has never happened to me before.’
    ‘Just tell me you have the recording
of me sucking him off for my own private use you damn imbecile?’
    ‘Miss Domville … I … it’s not
possible, I swear it isn’t, but that one failed as well.’
    ‘IDIOT!’ I screamed and grabbed a
marble carved Buddha off the oriental chest next to me and smashed the LCD display
to smithereens with it, then hurled it across the room at the plasma TV
breaking both items in one go. I’d never been so fucking furious in my life. I
grabbed anything I could see that I could smash, and hurled it against walls,
furniture and the floor until my arms started shaking in protest and I ran to
the master bed and threw myself on it and sobbed. Logan was mine , he was
meant to be mine. I couldn’t bear the thought of him taking another booking
before I could get him back here again. I wondered if I could get pregnant,
then tell Daddy it was Logan who knocked me up. He’d force him to come over
here and marry me, if he didn’t kill him first. Daddy would believe me over
Logan anytime. I sniffed back my tears and picked up my iPhone as it
buzzed. I had an email message. I sat up straight and wiped my tears and
smiled. It was Logan, I knew I’d got to him, he was still thinking about me. I
opened the message, beaming again.
    My dear Miss Domville, I can
honestly say I’ve never had a night quite like it, it was a real eye opener.
I’m afraid I won’t be accepting any future bookings from you and should you try
to concoct another scheme to blackmail me as you tried last night, be aware
that I will have no

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