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Book: MageLife by P. Tempest Read Free Book Online
Authors: P. Tempest
up an infrastructure, but their hard work could be seen everywhere. The paved streets. The lights, the cleaning systems. We even had a basic sewer network. Running water. Disease while not eliminated was greatly reduced. Crime was rare. Theft was pointless as the credit shard couldn't be tampered with. While not everyone was in work all were paid a basic amount. The rich and the poor were as equal as the had ever been. It was amazing that just the sight of a town could bring such a wash of pride. I was a part of the organisation that had done all this. The wizard’s council was still young. The future looked bright.
    My reverie had distracted me while I was still on the right path I was no longer focusing on the way. Signs made it unnecessary. Arriving outside, all I could do was stare.
    The sheer mass of the stone guild stunned me. A massive flowing building of almost white stone. The guild house rose higher than it neighbours by a large margin. Sweeping artistic flows of green-flecked marble wove up the building ending in a green arched roof. Windows were everywhere. I had thought the mage academy was impressive, and it was. It couldn't compare to the utter majesty and beauty of this. Magic used for the practical was good but magic for the sake of it had never entered my mind. I was overwhelmed to say the least. Lots of men were going in and out of the arched entrance. Most were wearing heavy boots and tough overalls. Skilled knacks mainly earth focused, by my othersense of them. Magic had flourished since the wizards had taken over. I shook myself out my head. Time to focus on work.
    Taking myself through the arches took every scrap of willpower I had.
    Knacking people. Why couldn't I be given a task that didn't require interactions, or even a few classes?
    The smooth stone of the floor echoed with every step. Light poured in through the large coloured windows. Creating intricate patterns on marble that reminded me of the transfer shard. Swimming forms that sense could be pried out of if I had enough time. A shadow fell across my vision.
    “Hello mage-” came the gentle request. A young woman had approached while I was contemplating the patterns. Looking up to her brought me the sight of long red hair framing an oval face with bright hazel eyes standing out from pale skin. A small smile twisted her lips.
    “Mage Representative Tristan Sodden. I’m here to offer my assistance to the stone guild” I blurted out. Heat rushing to my face. I'm a knacking pixie again. What is wrong with me? I reprimanded myself before doing my best to pay attention
    Her smile had grown. Suppressed amusement radiated from her face. “Well Mage Tristan I am Lyphia Terra, the guild master's daughter. If you would follow me, I will take you up to Master Terra’s office. He should be able to slot you in if you don't mind waiting.” she said. Looking expectantly at me. Her smile still very much present.
    “Uh yes of course, lead the way please.” I hesitantly replied. Embarrassment can be a great motivator. I had moved past my discomfort of dealing with people to annoyed with myself for being so clumsy with women.
    Lyphia guided me through the beautiful building.
    Thick columns reached to the high flat ceiling. Hidden behind one at the back of the foyer was a deeply recessed door. Large and densely covered with incised with flowing patterns. As we entered and trudged our way up the stairs a thought occurred to me. Well two.
    One was Lyphia really filled out her dress in all the right places. Two was once this place would have been a sign of wealth the sort of extravagance the nobles lorded over us poor unfortunates. Now it was a show of expertise. You don't contract a tailor who can't dress well. You equally wouldn't hire a stone guild member if he couldn't build. The stairs turned once to the left as we neared the top. A huge window was centerplace in the wide open hall. A similar door to downstairs on either side.
    Lyphia headed to the one

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