
Free MageLife by P. Tempest

Book: MageLife by P. Tempest Read Free Book Online
Authors: P. Tempest
    “Well on to your task," He said forcefully, his eyes coming back to me. “It’s quite simple. Head down to the stone guild and offer our assistance. No task stone though.” a smile flickered on his face at that.
    I stood there facing Jase, with no idea what to say. I closed my eyes and took a breath, trying to get my thoughts in order.
    “Sir, I have no experience dealing with people. You above all should know that," I pleaded. My people skill were appalling.
    “Tristan” Jase started. Standing then walking around the desk towards me. “How do you think you will get experience?” his tone told me it was rhetorical, his eyes focused intensely on my like he used to during my training “Think of this as a chance for learning.” no matter how gently he said that I still shivered. Jase saw my discomfort. “I doubt it will be painful”
    “Alright Sir. I will do my best.” I said hesitantly after swallowing my fear.  I didn't want to promise more in such an area of weakness.
    “That is all we can ask for.” Jase replied “As you heard you now have access to Orb, It is a wonderful tool, all sorts of information. Your amulet was damaged during the explosion. This promotion has been planned for the last few weeks so a modified enchantment has been designed for it.  I have the transfer shard here if you will do the honours.”
    “I haven't touched my magic since then” I responded uncertainly, the lingering fear that my channels were permanently damaged forefront in my mind.
    “Don't worry. I've seen your Healer's reports.” a comforting hand placed on my shoulder as he continued. “You are fine.”
    “You’re sure?” I insisted. Looking him straight in the eyes.  I didn't need false comfort.
    “Very. I examined you myself when you walked in.” Jase firmly with a small nod.
    “Okay. Where is the shard?”  I asked.
    Jase walked over to a small green shard on the edge of the desk. “Here it is Tristan.” he said before handing it to me.
    I looked at the shard with my active othersense, it was swimming with forms, far more than I could understand with my limited experience of enchanting. I knew the process though. One of the few useful things we learnt at the academy. It was one of the simplest. Just a touch of power pushed into the shard. A shaped link to the item being enchanted, in this case my amulet... Knacks could do this if provided with a shard and had very fine control of their power.
    “Done I think Sir.”  I announced. The enchantment had settled nicely, far easier than things like the irrigation system, as they need to be tailored.
    “Yes. Very well done.” Jase said proudly not hiding the fact he had been supervising the process. “It will provide a link to Orb greater than the one previous. It’s far more direct. The exact details will need a bit of work to get a handle on. Now you need to be heading to stone guild. The offer of assistance is limited to you.” A smug smile appeared on his face. The bastard just turned and walked back to his chair picking up his glyph-screen
    Feeling a bit unwelcome. I saluted and turned on my heel. Quickly walking through the door.

Chapter 9
    The way to the stone guild was one I had never been despite living all my life near town. It was new as in built in the last few years. Taking a turn at the fountain outside headquarters took me down the wide pale cream streets, glow globes hung on either side of the street. Unlit for now.  I went slowly taking in the scenery. The buildings on either side of me were tall but with separate small gates between, I assumed for access. The sun cast stripes of light and shade across my path. The streams of people about their business continued. I had never seen the town so alive. Even at the height of the waves, the town had been quiet, but after a lot of the survivors in the area migrated here, it had livened up, but then the town had been traumatised. Rebuilding had been slow while the wizards set

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