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Book: MageLife by P. Tempest Read Free Book Online
Authors: P. Tempest
to the right of the window. A quick look thrown over her shoulder, I assumed to make sure I hadn't got lost. I smiled at her. She quickly turned back, her red hair flicking with her. A moment later she rapped on the door with her knuckles. “Guild master, its Lyphia.” she called through the door. She rolled her eye at me. I assumed about the obsequious manner she had adopted.
    “Come in” came a sharp command.
    Lyphia opened the door. It led to large office that would have been plain if not for the intricate models scattered about. Tiny structures of houses, larger buildings that looked similar to the mage headquarters. Others were around, that I couldn't begin to guess at. Many glyph-screens with drawings of buildings were scattered about. While I was taking this in Lyphia had walked through the obstacles to the desk. An older man, almost entirely average looking apart from the strong green glow in his eyes and the delicate look of his hands.
    “Father, this is Mage Representative Tristan Sodden. He is here to offer his services to the stone guild.” Lyphia said to her father. A quirk of an eyebrow and a slight head tilt indicated me. Her voice was still amused.
    The guild master glanced over to me, his green-glowing eyes brightening. He put a hand out to shake.
    I stepped forwards as quickly as I could being careful not to knock anything in this tangle of a room. I placed my hand in his, a tingle of magic ran through me.
    “A full mage. Strong in earth, probably first knack. A touch of water too. Complex first blooming.” He muttered before raising his eyes to meet mine. “Sorry, I'm Guild master Terra. We could use a mage around here.”
    “What was that?” I was incredulous. I had never seen or heard about magic like that.
    The guild master just shrugged and released my hand. “Just a little quirk of mine.” he replied dismissively. He strolled back to his desk. Grabbing a glyph-screen and ignoring me.
    Lyphia looked at me sympathetically as I stood there baffled by the exchange. “Father, can you pay attention please. Mage Tristan is here to help, you can’t treat him like this!” she squawked at him.
    The guild master looked at her blankly. “Why are you shouting at me Phe?” he asked with what appeared to be honest confusion.
    “Dad focus please. We have a mage. He doesn't know what you are like.” she pleaded.
    I was watching the exchange, my confusion growing. What was going on?
    The guild master looked at me. His eyes showed no recognition. A hand came out as if to shake.
    “Dad, you have done that already.” she said, moving forward to block my sight of him. She bent forward whispering into her father's ear.
    I couldn't catch any of it. Using my magic to eavesdrop when it wasn't needed felt wrong. So I just stood waiting. Feeling rather useless. This really wasn't helping my confidence.
    Lyphia pulled away. Patted her father on the hand before gesturing for me to leave.
    I carefully made my way out of the room. I waited outside the door hoping I wasn't expected to leave the building.
    A few moments later Lyphia came out carrying a glyph-screen “Sorry about that let's go to my office” her earlier smile had died. All lingering amusement washed away.
    “You have an office?” I asked
    “What do you think I do here?” she retorted.  Her eyes firmly locked on mine. A tensing of her shoulders betraying the anger that was missing from her tone.
    “Um, I have no idea. You picked me up from the foyer. I thought that was your job.” I said earnestly.
    “No that's not my job” she replied with a small laugh. The tension disappearing. “My job is far more, than picking up strays. I would rather not discuss it here.” she pointed to the door on the other side of the window.
    I was left speechless. I hadn't brought it up.
    She walked ahead of me, opening the door without knocking. This office was spotless. Plain stone and wood. Deep wooden shelves covered the walls. Stuffed with neat folders.

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