A Dragon's Heart

Free A Dragon's Heart by Terry Bolryder

Book: A Dragon's Heart by Terry Bolryder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terry Bolryder
don’t interact with any other dragons really. But anyway, yeah. The blue has to heal him.”
    “And then you and Perry compliment each other because he has the strategy and you have the strength,” she said.
    “Hm,” she said, sitting back with folded arms. The wind was so nice, and she needed to relax so badly that she reached back and pulled out her bobby pins and her hair band, letting her hair free to whip in the wind.
    Tor looked over at her. “You’re beautiful that way. Not that you aren’t pretty with a bun, but I love to see it all wild and free like that.”
    “You’ve only seen it like that in bed,” she said.
    “Not true,” he said. “Occasionally, when you are around the mansion late at night or early in the morning, I’ve seen it. So curly.”
    “It’s natural,” she said. “I’ve just never found time or desire to straighten it.”
    “I like it how it is,” he said, twirling a lock around his finger and bringing her closer.
    His eyes dipped to her lips, his long lashes lowering and then rising so he could look into her eyes. Then his hand moved down over the back of her neck and pulled her forward, sealing her mouth with his.
    The warm heat between them contrasted the harsh wind around them as the breeze picked up on the mountain. His arms closed around her, shielding her from the cold, and she felt warm and safe and, as his tongue melded with hers, very aroused.
    But it was a soft, warm kind of arousal, the kind you just want to sit and savor rather than rushing to do anything about it.
    She let the pressure between them build slowly, arching against him and tilting back to give him better access to her mouth so he could stroke slowly and more deeply.
    She moaned against him and felt his arms tighten. She loved those little hints of his incredible strength and dug her nails into his powerful back.
    He pulled back to take a ragged breath, and when she looked up, she saw flashing gold eyes with long slits, just for a moment, before he closed them and came in for another kiss.
    His dragon was just beneath the surface. She didn’t know how much was him and how much was it, but she loved both.
    She let both hold her.
    She loved the dragon that let her fly in the sky and the man who sat here and told her his feelings. And made love to her with his mouth.
    She kissed him deeply, trying to drink in everything he was. Trying to save it inside for whenever she would need it. Trying to ignore that the wind was getting colder, angrier around them.
    She held on to him tight and let the wild heat build to an inferno inside her.
    When he released her, she looked deep into his eyes, then noted each feature. His strong nose, that straight, hard jaw, the stubborn tilt of his curved lips, those frank, pretty eyes. His sheer masculinity.
    For a moment, she didn’t want to ever forget.
    Tor blinked at her. “I don’t want you to either.”
    She nodded and rested against him. The rest didn’t need to be said. Things would go on as usual. Perry would ensure that. By the time it was over, she’d be grateful they had let her go with no knowledge of what had happened.
    Until then, she’d try not to think about it.
    Right now, she just wanted to enjoy the moment with Tor.

    A couple days later , Perry was finding it hard to keep his mind on their work with their secretary around.
    She was much more than a secretary now, and he didn’t know exactly how to handle it. Tor had responded by giving fully into his feelings with the knowledge it was going to hurt like shit in the end.
    Perry didn’t know exactly what to do. Even when he was planning the next move in helping in the case against Felding or Domingo, he couldn’t think straight. When they had to go out to track down and end a rogue shifter or bring one in for interrogation, as they had today, he kept finding himself distracted. By her big brown eyes questioning him silently on why they couldn’t be together even though they got along

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