Gone With the Win: A Bed-And-Breakfast Mystery

Free Gone With the Win: A Bed-And-Breakfast Mystery by Mary Daheim

Book: Gone With the Win: A Bed-And-Breakfast Mystery by Mary Daheim Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Daheim
Frosches aren’t neighborly and . . . um . . . well . . . I’ve got a key.”
    Ruby was wide-eyed. “You do? How come?”
    “My husband’s ex-wife owns that house. She lives in Florida, so we keep a key if any problems come up. Until now, the rental agency has handled everything, but Herself—I mean, Vivian—feels better if Joe and I have access in case . . . just in case.”
    “That’s . . . good of you. No hard feelings between you and his ex?”
    “Not anymore,” Judith said, heading for the kitchen. “It’s all in the past.” She picked up the pace as the phone rang. To her dismay, it was her cleaning woman, Phyliss Rackley. “Where are you?” Judith asked, trying to hide her irritation. “You were supposed to be here by ten.”
    “The good Lord had other plans for me,” Phyliss said in a sulky voice. “My dentist had an emergency he had to take first. Then the bus broke down. I’m standing on a corner waiting for the next one. In fact, I’m outside of a little grocery store and . . . oh, no! The bus went by without stopping! The Lord must have it in for me today. I can’t think why. I haven’t sinned that much except for being annoyed by having to wait so long for the dentist. Evil thoughts—that’ll do it every time.”
    “The Lord probably doesn’t have it in for you, Phyliss, but I will if you don’t get over here in half an hour. The morning is almost gone.”
    “Don’t worry, I’ll be there. I’ll pray on it. It’s starting to rain again. Oh, no! I left my bumbershoot at the dentist’s! Satan’s ruining my life. He’s tempting me to anger.”
    Judith ignored the remark. “I keep an extra umbrella here,” she said, also trying to keep her temper. “Stay under the store overhang and don’t miss the next bus.” She hung up before Phyliss could say another exasperating word.
    Ruby had taken it upon herself to clean the dining room coffee urn. “Just trying to be useful. You got a Bible-thumper working for you?”
    Judith nodded once. “My cleaning woman. She’s very good, but very . . . pious. Or something like that. She also has a lot of health and dental problems. Fortunately, none of them are serious.”
    “Want me to start in on some of her chores?” Ruby offered. “She won’t be able to catch up.”
    Judith was surprised. “You’re not going to continue your quest?”
    Ruby slumped into a kitchen chair. “I feel like a dork. I make one crummy try at it and end up losing my purse and getting amnesia. Maybe it’s not worth it. What can I really do on my own?”
    “It’s probably just as well you don’t overtax yourself,” Judith said. “Did you think you recognized someone in the cul-de-sac?”
    Ruby shook her head, but didn’t meet Judith’s gaze. “Not really. You know how some people are a type. I mean, they’re the same height, build, coloring, age group.” She shrugged. “They look familiar until you get up close.”
    “True,” Judith agreed as Joe entered through the back door.
    “I’ve got some news,” he announced, hanging up his jacket in the hallway. “It’s raining.”
    Judith made a face at her husband as he came into the kitchen. “Funny Joe. That’s not news around here.”
    “No,” he responded, taking a diet soda out of the fridge, “but I stopped to see Woody at the precinct station. He’s going to pull his old files.” Joe sat down next to Judith and looked at Ruby. “He’s intrigued, of course. Being a captain, he may not get to it until tomorrow, but he’ll bring them when he comes to dinner. You’re sticking around, right?”
    Ruby looked surprised. “Yeah, well, I guess I better. I was about to give it up. I feel guilty for causing everybody so much trouble.”
    Joe shook his head. “Don’t. Look, I’m doing this for my old partner as much as for you. This case has bothered him for years.” He nudged Judith. “So what was that 911 call to Herself’s house about? It came in while I was talking to

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