A Dragon's Seduction

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Book: A Dragon's Seduction by Tamelia Tumlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamelia Tumlin
that nearly sent him over the edge.
    Gritting his teeth, he stayed in control.
    Until Callie’s eyes locked with his and she guided him to the moist “V” between her legs. Unable to control himself any longer Brayden plunged into her core. She arched then quivered around him.
    Damn, she felt good! Tight and silky.
    A perfect fit.
    A perfect mate.
    If only…
     He plunged harder and harder, gasping with each rhythmical thrust. Sweat beaded across his brow as he picked up momentum. Callie ground against him, meeting each thrust match for match. Seconds later he felt her climax with a shudder and a long satisfied sigh.
    *I love you, dragon boy.*
    The telepathic endearment reached his mind just as his body tensed and spasmed in unimaginable pleasure. His inner dragon writhed in agreement, begging for more.  
    With one last quiver, both the man and the beast accepted Callie as their one true mate. Brayden gave a warrior’s shout then exploded inside her knowing both he and his dragon would fight to the death to protect her. Dragons mated for life and he was no exception.
    Waves of pleasure crashed into him as he held her tight. She’d taken him to the edge of insanity and back. He could feel her Magik rising from within. Strengthening. With one final thrust he released her full power.
    * * *

    Callie waved her hand in front of the locked metal door. It sprung open and they entered the empty auditorium. Thankfully, no one cared to watch a Magik show at three in the morning. Staying close to the exit, she turned to Brayden. “Do you really think we can do this?” She caught her bottom lip with her tooth. “I’m not so sure. I mean–”
    Brayden took her hand and gave it a hard squeeze. “Absolutely, sugar. I have faith in you.”
    “You do?”
    “More than you’ll ever know.” He brushed his lips across hers. “Let’s do this thing.”
    Callie nodded. Here goes nothing. Nice knowing you, dragon boy. She looked around nervously. “Is he here?”
    Brayden sniffed the air. “Yep.”
    The maroon velvet curtain on stage rustled. Callie jerked her head around as a tall, dark figure appeared. “Grigori,” she whispered. Moisture collected in her palm and she hoped Brayden couldn’t feel it.
    “Sis, so nice of you to drop by.” Grigori’s lips stretched into a malevolent grin right before he dissolved into mist. A moment later he materialized at their side. “What can I do for you?”
    Callie took a deep breath. “We’re here to put an end to this madness. Talk some sense into you.  Why are you doing this? Putting innocent people in danger. Invoking dragons. You’re my brother, Grigori. I love you. It doesn’t have to be this way.” She searched her brother’s face for any sign of empathy. Anything that would tell her he hadn’t crossed over so far he couldn’t return. She didn’t find anything.
    “You think you can stop me?” His words were soft yet deadly.
    Not in this lifetime. She swallowed. “Yes. But I don’t want to. We’re family. Ours might not have been perfect, but there were some good times. You weren’t always like this. What happened to you?” A sob caught in her throat. Brayden squeezed her hand.
    Cold black eyes bored into hers. “You’re wrong, sis. We were never a family. I only tolerated you when the parents were alive because I had to. If you want to know the truth, I hated you. I would have gotten rid of you a long time ago but you are more useful to me alive. At least for a while.” Grigori threw back his head and laughed. An evil sound that skittered fear along her nerves. He took a menacing step toward her.
    Brayden’s arm shot out and grabbed Grigori’s wrist. “You don’t want to do that.”
    Grigori’s eyes widened for a split second at Brayden’s low, lethal tone then he yanked his arm away. He glared at Brayden but didn’t move any closer to Callie.
    “Why are you doing this?” Callie’s heart played tug-of-war with her common sense. He

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