A Dragon's Seduction

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Book: A Dragon's Seduction by Tamelia Tumlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamelia Tumlin
hadn’t always been like this. There had been a few times during her childhood Grigori had been a real brother to her. Sticking up for her when no one else would. Sure, there had always been a black aura about him, but he was still her brother. And on some level she loved him. “Don’t be like our father, Grigori. You don’t have to do this.”
    “What do you know about Father? You never understood him. You’re weak, Callie. Always were and always will be.” Grigori sneered. “Father knew it. He washed his hands of you years ago.” He waved a white-gloved hand in front of her.
    Pain shot through her chest. Her knees buckled and she fell against Brayden’s shoulder.
    Brayden swore, grabbed Grigori by the throat with one hand and steadied Callie with the other. The magician dissolved in his hand, laughing. He reappeared a few feet away.
    “Please, Grigori. You’re the only family I have left. We should be supporting one another. There is not enough Magik in the world that can be worth throwing away your family.”
    Grigori narrowed his eyes. “That, my dear sister, is where you are wrong. I didn’t need you then and I don’t need you now – except for the one thing I’m going to take from you. I’ve always despised you.”
     Tears smarted Callie’s eyes. “That’s not true. I remember you taking up for me on more than one occasion in school when I was bullied.  Sure, we fought like most siblings, but you were there for me when I needed you. Doesn’t that mean anything?”
    Grigori snarled. “You really are naïve, aren’t you, sis? Who do you think sent the kids to bully you?”
    “I don’t understand. Why would you do that?”
    Grigori shrugged. “For kicks mostly, but also to keep anyone from being suspicious of how I really felt or what I intended to do one day. I knew I’d take your Magik just like Father took your mother’s.”
    Callie gasped. “That’s an awful thing to say.” But, deep inside she knew it was true.
    Grigori laughed. “Your mother was weak. Just like you. She didn’t want to harness her power either, so Father took it. He told me so himself when he explained how I could take yours one day.”
    Nausea rose to her throat and Callie gagged. Not only had her father murdered her mother, he’d taught Grigori how to do the same to her. Her father had been even more vile than she’d ever imagined.
    Sadness washed over Callie. Her brother had turned into exactly what their father had wanted and it broke her heart. “I’m sorry, Grigori. You’re my brother and I’ll always love you, but I can’t let you do this. This is for your own good.”
    She raised her hands and murmured a binding chant. Maybe she could bind all of his violent and negative energy and stop him from harming others. She could feel her Magik rising as her body shook and a kaleidoscope of lights arced from her fingers.
    The force knocked Grigori to the ground. He winced, then rose with a guttural shout and lunged toward Callie.
    With one swift move Brayden stepped between them taking the brunt of Grigori’s attack. The wizard slammed into Brayden with such force it bashed him against the wall. 
    Callie recoiled at the distinct whoosh as the breath was knocked out of him . She stretched her neck to get a better look. Dear Lord, was he all right?
    Brayden leaned over to catch his breath, then pushed off the wall, anger etched into every crevice of his tight features. He wiped beaded sweat from his forehead with the back of his arm and braced for the attack. Grigori lunged again. Brayden threw his arm in front of his face to block the assault and kicked Grigori in the stomach.
    The wizard grunted and staggered backward with a cry of rage. Catching his balance, he charged toward Brayden once more. Callie cringed as both men fell to the auditorium floor in a fierce struggle. She continued to chant, hoping the spell would penetrate Grigori’s power.  
    It didn’t. It only incited her brother.
    Grigori pinned

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