Summer School & After School: The Ponygirl Omnibus Edition

Free Summer School & After School: The Ponygirl Omnibus Edition by Jurgen von Stuka

Book: Summer School & After School: The Ponygirl Omnibus Edition by Jurgen von Stuka Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jurgen von Stuka
overlay the nylon bridle and in others, it held its own space on her
small and mostly obscured head. Her long hair, braided as the school required,
was threaded back through the maze of leather and nylon, a steel ring secured a
few inches from the end of the braid.
    The leather
bridle also held the steel correction bit in her mouth. The bit itself was a
less than humane adaptation of the spoon-like bit used on young horses for
dressage training. In the double bridle arrangement, the huge metal spoon was
inverted in the mouth so that the tongue fit inside the concave depression of
the spoon. When the reins were pulled, the spoon pressed down, forcing the
tongue against the bottom of the mouth. This spoon had the additional
refinement of small metal spikes in the top and bottom of the spoon. These
functioned as an added incentive to the pony wearing the device. The spikes
normally rested in the air space between the roof and the bottom of the mouth
with the spoon poised midway in the open mouth. When reins were pulled, the
mouth closed and the spoon’s spikes went to the upper or lower mouth surface;
sometimes to both if the reins were pulled hard enough. The school discovered
that Dori, and a few other new students, had an interesting little piece of
jewelry that allowed even better use of the spoon bit. Keeping with fashion
trends, the girls allowed their tongues to be pierced and had small metal balls
mounted on either side of their tongue. This impaired their speech somewhat and
many students wore the balls only at night. However, the school found out and
adjusted the bits accordingly. Thus, Dori’s bit had a bolt that fastened the
spoon to the top of her tongue, using the piercing as the attachment point.
This forced the spoon into closer contact with the internal mouth surfaces and
brought the girl into far more intimate contact with the metal surfaces filling
her oral cavity. When all four reins were pulled together, the spoon pushed the
tongue down, the spikes made contact and the rubber bit pulled the cheeks back,
making a strong impression on the pony being trained. For added emphasis with
stubborn ponies, a pair of nose hooks was added. These diabolical devices
hooked into each nostril and when the reins were pulled, the hooks jerked the
end of the nose upward, stretching the nostrils. This combination of four
reins, two bridles and two bits, plus the nose hooks, usually worked on even
the most recalcitrant of animals. There were, of course, Mistress Wright had
point out, “other ways.”
    Wright tweaked
and twirled the nipples until she produced the desired reaction from the
helplessly bound and bridled rider. She produced two shiny metal thimble-like
devices from her vest pocket. They jingled quietly. She showed one to Dori,
turning the open end towards the girl. Inside the hollow cap, Dori saw a circle
of tiny sharp metal teeth. They looked like the multiple circular sets of teeth
of the lamprey eel. On the outside of the dome were two small disks about the
size of collar buttons. Centered on the top was a small silver ring. This was
what caused the faint bell-like jingle. Fascinated by the ugly little
instruments, Dori wondered silently what the Mistress was going to do with
them. “These must be some of those ‘other ways,’” Dori thought.
    “These are to
sustain what is now erect,” The Head Mistress murmured in the rider’s ear. She
placed the first thimble between her left index finger and thumb, pressing the
two small metal buttons on either side of the dome. The spring-loaded buttons,
when depressed, opened the semi-circles of sharp teeth inside. Dori had a
sudden flash of recognition, knowing with dread what was coming next. Wright
moved the thimble over Dori’s stiffened left nipple and lowered it to enclose
the entire pink flesh bud. Dori tried to pull away as she felt the dozens of
tiny sharp teeth enclose the end of her nipple. The Mistress then slowly
released her finger pressure from the

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