A Secret Affair

Free A Secret Affair by Valerie Bowman

Book: A Secret Affair by Valerie Bowman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Valerie Bowman
young, unmarried female. What had made him come visit her today? He hadn’t seen her at the Kidwells’ rout and he’d … bloody hell, he’d missed her. He’d wanted to spend time in her company it seemed. He couldn’t forget that kiss. And now here he was completely set back on his heels by a slip of a girl gently informing him that she wanted nothing more to do with him than friendship.
    Bah. Friendship.
    He crossed his arms roughly over his chest. Very well. If friendship was what she wanted, friendship was what she’d get. He’d bloody well been fine before Frances Birmingham had bid on him at the bachelor auction, and he’d be perfectly fine again.
    But he was unaccustomed to being the one who was rejected. He was usually the one letting a lady down as gently as possible. Like his unfortunate interlude with Lady Harcourt the other evening. Now the tables were entirely turned, and he didn’t like it. Not one bit.
    How was it possible that Frances didn’t want him? It couldn’t have been the kiss itself. Very well. Perhaps that thought was a bit arrogant, but he’d never been in this situation before. It made him question everything he knew. He’d never had any complaints about his kissing, just the opposite, actually.
    Fine. Perfect. Capital .
    He was a grown man and would not react like a child who didn’t get his favorite toy. He would be perfectly adult about this. He and Miss Birmingham would be in each other’s company enough since his brother was marrying her closest friend. Charlie might as well get on with the business of befriending her. If that’s what she wanted, that’s what she would get. No trouble at all.
    But he might just take another opportunity to tempt her with his kiss.

    Three days later, Charlie was no closer to being friendly with the elusive Miss Birmingham than he had been last week. It was maddening, really. He’d made a very gentlemanly gesture and escorted her to the Hadleys’ Venetian breakfast. They’d discussed politics, art, travel. She’d made him laugh by telling him stories about her incorrigible cat.
    Over the last few days, he’d come to the conclusion that Frances was a one-of-a-kind sort of girl. She was witty, charming, funny, and self-effacing. She was sweet but didn’t brook impertinence. She was loyal but not to the point of foolishness. She was selfless with a healthy dose of practicality that drew Charlie in a way he didn’t care to examine.
    And most frustrating of all, she continued to keep her distance. She treated him like a … friend. A bloody boring friend. He’d tried to get her alone a time or two in an attempt to kiss her and change her mind. He could be downright seductive if he set his mind to it. But each time he’d even so much as suggested they spend a moment or two alone, she’d changed the subject or gone off to speak with someone else or just given him a … friendly … smile. It was maddening, actually. Crazy-making. And Charlie was quite through with it.
    To make matters worse, she’d been spending quite a lot of time with Sir Stuart, that sop. Tonight Charlie had met Frances at the Ambersleys’ ball, and he intended to confront her about the entire affair.
    He stalked over to where Frances stood. She was laughing with a group of people, including the odious Sir Stuart. She wore a simple butter-colored gown that brought out the shining golden highlights of her hair. “Miss Birmingham, might I have a moment of your time?”
    She looked up, the pretty blue of her eyes clouding with confusion. “Wh … why, certainly, Mr. Holloway.” She must have seen the intense look on his face. She didn’t question him. Instead, she excused herself to the little group and gathered her skirts in her hand to allow Charlie to lead her away. He gave Sir Stuart a smug smile.
    Charlie led Frances out into the corridor and down to the end of the hallway where a giant palm provided a measure of privacy. “Wherever are we going?”

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