Until the Final Verdict

Free Until the Final Verdict by Christine McGuire

Book: Until the Final Verdict by Christine McGuire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christine McGuire
wouldn’t matter whether one of them killed Tucker or not, their personal lives and careers would be destroyed.”
    â€œHow soon can you convene the Grand Jury?”
    â€œThe foreperson calls every Monday morning to ask if I have investigations for them. I’ll ask them to convene Thursday afternoon at the jail.”
    The county jail facility contained one secure courtroom, used mostly for arraignments and preliminary hearings for high-risk inmates, and to accommodate overflow from the main court building across the street. “Meanwhile, I’ll issue subpoenas for Keefe and Sanchez.”
    â€œWhy the jail courtroom?”
    â€œSo I can have the jail nurse standing by to draw their blood after they testify.”
    â€œGood idea,” Dave agreed. “Subpoena Bonnie Keefe, too. She disputes Sanchez’ alibi that he was having sex with her when Tucker was murdered. Let’s get her locked in under oath.”
    â€œWill do.” She stood. “Now I’ve got to take Em clothes shopping, then to the grocery store. She doesn’t know why, but she suspects tonight’s special—we’re buying fresh cracked crab, Brie, avocado, French bread, Riesling, and Martinelli’s Sparkling Cider for Em. Sound good?”
    â€œWe need to talk before dinner, Kate.”
    â€œWhat’s going on? If I’ve done something to make you angry, tell me.”
    â€œI’m not angry.”
    She crossed her arms over her chest, as she always did when protecting herself. “Have you changed your mind about us? Are you sorry we got married? If you are, say so now, before we tell Emma.”
    He wrapped his arms around her and drew her close. “I love you more than ever, Kathryn. The only thing I’ll ever be sorry about is that we didn’t have more years together.”
    â€œThen what?” She pulled back. “Let’s not start the rest of our lives together as a family angry or upset.”
    He pulled Simmons’ tox report out of his pocket and handed it to her. She read it twice.
    â€œThis has to be a mistake, it says Simmons died from a digitalis overdose. Simmons didn’t carry drugs onto the plane, and he was never out of my sight.”
    â€œThat’s how we saw it.” He described his earlier conversation with Morgan Nelson.
    Kathryn didn’t respond.
    â€œWe looked at it from every angle we could figure,” he explained, “tried to imagine some other possibility, no matter how far-fetched. After Nelson left, I spent all morning thinking about who had both a motive and an opportunity to murder Simmons.”
    â€œAnd I’m the only person you came up with.” She sat down on a stool, her back rigid and her face tight. “That’s ridiculous.”
    â€œIf you tell me you didn’t murder Simmons, Kate, I’ll believe you.”
    â€œI won’t dignify this with a denial, and I can’t believe you think I’m capable of murder.”
    â€œIf you won’t deny it, how can I not consider the possibility?”
    Tears of frustration appeared in the corners of her eyes. She brushed them away angrily, smearing her mascara.
    He handed her a second piece of paper, hastily handwritten on Santa Rita County Sheriff’s stationery.
    â€œYour resignation?” she asked.
    â€œI don’t care if you killed the son of a bitch or not, he deserved it. I should’ve done it myself. I can’t investigate you, you’re my wife.”
    She tore the resignation into pieces and laid them on the countertop. Her hands shook and her voice quivered. “If you don’t investigate me, the Attorney General will. I need it to be you.”
    â€œIf I keep it under wraps, especially now that we’re married, it’ll look like a cover-up, and that’d be worse for you.”
    â€œWe have to keep the marriage quiet for a few days, give you time to eliminate me as a suspect.”

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