A Billionaire's Obsession 1 (BWWM Interracial Romance): Wanting Her

Free A Billionaire's Obsession 1 (BWWM Interracial Romance): Wanting Her by Hattie Black

Book: A Billionaire's Obsession 1 (BWWM Interracial Romance): Wanting Her by Hattie Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hattie Black
    10:00 am, one Monday in the middle of August, 23 year old
Renee Wainwright sits in the modern and chic waiting area of the widely popular
and rapidly growing BYWINSTON branding, marketing and event planning firm. She
had just completed her third interview, and was told
to wait in the lobby while the three person panel deliberated.
    Renee was positively hopeful. It was her 3rd call back
after all. She looks around the sitting area, and notices one young man with
spiked hair wearing a thin black tie with a bl ack and
white checkered shirt, and another woman with black rimmed glasses, blonde
bangs, and tresses, and a burgundy sweater.
    "I guess this is the competition." Renee whispers
to herself under her breath. She glances down at her own apparel. Renee is dres sed in black washed out slacks, a black blouse with ruffles
down the center, and her thick curly hair worn up in a top-knot bun. Of course
she is wearing her trusty black ballet flats - that Renee almost never leaves
home without. Eventually the conference room door
opens, and one by one each candidate is called back into the large room with an
oval glass table, surrounded by silver high-back chairs. When Renee is
summoned, she immediately springs up and speeds walk toward the room. Whether
good or bad news , Renee is anxious to learn the final
    "Renee, have a seat." She is told by Travis
Bedlan, the 34 year old Vice President of Creatives and old college buddy of
the BYWINSTON founder, Colin Winston.
    Renee nods and plops down into the chair across from the
panel. The chair had been previously warmed by the other 2 candidates.
    "Renee we like what we see in your portfolio of work.
You have the sort of design skill and demonstrate an aesthetic we can wor k with here at, BYWINSTON." The 30 year old Artistic
Director, Melaine Nordstrom informs Renee.
    "Therefore Renee, the team and I would like to offer
you the position of Graphic Designer I." Travis chimes in.
    Renee is stunned. She was 95% certain that bein g called in last meant she would not be offered the job.
She later learned that the other female candidate was offered a position in
another department, and the young man was told to interview again in a year.
    "You want me?" Renee says without thinking.
    Melaine laughs. Travis smiles and tells Renee, "Yes we
do! You will report directly to Melaine, and Marina here will get you oriented
with the firm, show you where you will be working from, and answer any
questions you have. We hope you're ready to start t oday."
    "Yes...yes!" Renee eagerly replies.
    "Great! You can go with Marina now, and we will talk
more later. Marina will let you know what time that will be." Melaine
informs Renee. Marina Marquis who also sat in the interviews, and asked
questions is actua lly Melaine's Executive Assistant.
The 40ish no-nonsense woman organizes Melaine's schedule as well as her design
staff which includes set designers, interior decorators as well as graphic
    "Alright then! Welcome to BYWINSTON Renee."
Travis concl udes
    "Thank you, thank you." Renee stands and says to
each member of the panel.
    Marina then escorts Renee out of the room. Renee continues
to nod, and thank the BYWINSTON executives while walking out. Once out in the
hallway, Marina introduces herself to Renee, explains
her role as Executive Assistant, what will be expected of Renee, and Renee's
parameters of her interaction with Artistic Director, Melaine. Renee absorbs
the data and works to mentally break it down it for later recollection. It was
a lot o f information coming at her quickly. However,
she was hopeful that Marina would be open to possible questions later on.
    Renee hadn't had the opportunity to tell anyone her good
news just yet. She couldn't wait to tell her boyfriend since college, Ronald P arker, and long time best friend, Olivia Brown, and her
mother who lived one town away. During her first break - when Marina leaves her
alone with the company reading

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