Agony Aunt

Free Agony Aunt by G. C. Scott

Book: Agony Aunt by G. C. Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: G. C. Scott
wearer pleasure in the process. Harriet wondered how Rachel would feel when she was strapped into her straitjacket with that working on her.
    Back upstairs, Harriet approached the room silently. She opened the door without warning and looked in at Rachel. The younger woman was looking very intent as she rubbed herself between the legs. She looked up in surprise and embarrassment when Harriet entered the room.
    ‘I . . . I didn’t hear you coming. I mean . . .’ She trailed off in confusion.
    ‘Caught you, did I?’ Harriet said. ‘Do you want to drive yourself insane? I’m afraid it’s the straitjacket for you, my girl,’ she said in mock severity. ‘You’ll have to learn the hard way not to go touching yourself there.’
    Rachel smiled in spite of being taken off guard, but the smile soon vanished when she saw what Harriet had with her. However, she looked interested rather than nervous or fearful, and she didn’t ask the obvious question.
    ‘These should make the time pass more pleasantly,’ Harriet told her. ‘Unless you have a very active imagination, you can get really bored just lying there tied up with nothing to do. And since this is the first time for you I thought you might have trouble thinking of something to do. Stand up and we’ll get started.’
    Harriet handed the leather harness to Rachel. She fitted it around her waist but there her imagination failed her. She looked to Harriet for guidance.
    ‘These go in the obvious places,’ Harriet explained, handing her the larger of the dildoes. ‘Try this one in front.’ She watched while Rachel slid the dildo home. ‘Turn around and bend over so I can help you with the other one,’ she directed.
    ‘But I’ve never had anything up there,’ Rachel protested.
    ‘Then it’s time you did,’ Harriet told her. She waited expectantly, and finally Rachel turned to present the rear elevation. But when Harriet tried to slide the slimmer dildo into her rectum, she found the muscles clenched tight. With a sigh, Harriet lubricated the rubber shaft with hand cream from the bureau and tried again. ‘Loosen up,’ she ordered Rachel. ‘You’re tighter than a duck’s arsehole, and that’s waterproof.’ Finally the job was done, and Harriet brought the strap up between Rachel’s legs. She threaded it through the rings at the base of the two dildoes and inserted the rubber pad with the stubby ‘fingers’ beneath the strap where it passed over Rachel’s vulva. Then she pulled it tight and buckled it, leaving the other woman tightly plugged and looking slightly discomfited. But there were signs of interest there as well. Rachel’s nipples had erected themselves without any further encouragement, and there was a thoughtful expression on her face, as if she were contemplating the new sensations and finding them pleasant – or at least intriguing.
    ‘Let’s get you into your straitjacket,’ Harriet said. ‘It’s best if you sit on the bed and let me help you slide into it.’ Harriet watched Rachel’s face as she sat down, putting pressure on the plug in her anus. She winced slightly at the unfamiliar full feeling, but made no complaint. Yes, something might definitely be made of this one. ‘Bring your legs together now and slide them in first,’ Harriet directed, holding open the bottom portion of Rachel’s straitjacket.
    The young woman slid feet first into the sack-like part of the garment, wriggling just slightly more than was necessary to settle her legs and feet in the place designed for them. Harriet thought she might be conducting further experiments with the novel sensations from her two plugs. That was another encouraging sign. Next Harriet held the top of the garment for Rachel to insert her arms into the sleeves. When her hands were in as far as they would go, Harriet helped her to lie back on the bed by lifting her legs. She urged Rachel to roll over on to her stomach so that the laces at the back were accessible.

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