Agony Aunt

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Book: Agony Aunt by G. C. Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: G. C. Scott
started at the bottom, slightly above Rachel’s own rather nice bottom, methodically lacing her into the straitjacket. As she worked her way upward Harriet remarked, ‘You and your grandmother are about the same size. This fits as if it were made just for you. That’s a bit of luck. It would have been disappointing to have gone this far only to find you were the wrong size.’ As she spoke Harriet pulled the laces tightly around the sturdy hooks set into the leather, compressing Rachel’s body into the hourglass shape that had been so fashionable among women of two generations ago. The ‘sleeping garment’ must have been designed with this purpose in mind, as well as the stated one. ‘Figure training’ was the phrase used in those euphemistic days. She noted that Rachel didn’t require a great deal of compression.
    Giving a final tug at the laces, Harriet tied them together and tucked the ends inside the back of the straitjacket. When she buckled the collar around Rachel’s neck, it covered that part of the garment, putting the laces out of her reach. They must have been security-conscious in those days, Harriet reflected. Or maybe the craftsman who had made this one had been proud of the finer touches he applied to his work. But even if the laces hadn’t been tucked safely out of reach, the wearer would not have been able to release herself unaided. It would have been awkward to reach them, and in any case Rachel’s hands were enclosed in the mittens sewn on to the ends of the sleeves.
    ‘Time to roll over again,’ Harriet told her young captive.
    Rachel rolled on to her back, not without some interesting contortions that must have made the plugs move inside her. Her face was a study in restrained anticipation.
    Harriet buckled the waist belt, effectively dividing the straitjacket into an upper and a lower half. Next she tightened the straps around Rachel’s knees and ankles. The young woman watched intently as she was rendered progressively more helpless. Then it was time to secure her arms. She didn’t resist as Harriet folded them across her breasts and threaded the straps that went behind her back and anchored her wrists to her elbows. There were separate straps that went around the arms twice, buckling behind the wearer. When Harriet was done, Rachel’s arms were held immovably against her breasts and upper body with no slack in the straps.
    Harriet stepped back and regarded the young woman, considering whether a gag and blindfold would add anything worthwhile to Rachel’s maiden effort at B&D. No, she decided, it might be better to leave that for later. No point in going the whole way on the first attempt. If Rachel became jaded, or if she desired some variation on the original idea, there would be something else to add later. Harriet looked at her wristwatch. It had taken nearly twenty minutes to get from nude female to this leather-wrapped parcel that now lay on the bed. She thought Rachel made a pretty package, which was one of the more pleasing side effects of erotic bondage. She realised she might be a bit late for her appointment, but Harriet thought of one more touch that might make the experience more pleasant for this rather pretty young woman who had come so unexpectedly to her door.
    She went to her own bedroom, unearthed her Polaroid camera, and loaded a fresh roll of film into it. As she worked, Harriet glanced at her bed. There, she thought, is where Tom found me only two or three nights ago, and where he had me so thoroughly. She felt a pleasant ache in her crotch and a tightening in her stomach muscles as she thought of what he had done to her, and of what they had done together.
    Before returning to the guest room, Harriet peered through the two-way mirror that allowed her to see what was going on in the other room without letting the occupant know there was a watcher. Like all good jailers, Harriet wanted to be able to observe her charges without their knowledge – she often learnt

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