Attorneys at Law - Drake

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Book: Attorneys at Law - Drake by Allie Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allie Williams
happy, and the new paralegal was glaring daggers through him, interesting, looks like she had a little fire in her. That brief moment provided him a chance to look her over, and she was definitely his type in the looks category. Even with his no fraternizing with the employee’s policy, he made a mental note to personally introduce himself when he returned.
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    Drake walked into his office and finally took a deep breath. Thank God his meetings for the day were finally over. He had been going nonstop since before five this morning and he still had a lot of paperwork to finish. He needed to check in with both of his partners for an update and then get started. As it was, he would be spending dinner at the office, no need to make it breakfast as well.
    Drake headed to check in with Matthew first, he was the newest partner and he liked that he was always straight to the point. When Drake arrived Matthew’s door was closed, so he knocked. “Come in,” greeted him so he opened the door and entered. Matthew sat behind his desk working and Drake got a chance to study his newest partner. Most would probably give him grief that he hired someone so young, but Matthew’s abilities and work ethic has outweighed any issues Drake had with his age. The man knew how to do his job and did it well.
    “Drake, what can I do for you?” Matthew finally looked up from his computer.
    “Just wanted to get an update from you and find out when you’re heading to Florida?”
    “I actually fly out tomorrow evening and will be there until Thursday, then I thought I would hang out over the weekend and get a little R&R before Monday.”
    “Sounds good, especially since you will be in the Keys. Do you need Ethan or I to handle anything while you are away.” Drake knew better since Matthew seems to always be two steps ahead of everybody, but he wanted him to know he could always count on his partners if he needed them.
    “Nope, all good here, everything I have won’t require any action until after I’m back.”
    “Great, then I’m going to head to Ethan’s office and check in so I can go finish up and get home.” Drake stood and headed out the door, turning around right before he left, “Oh, and Matthew, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
    Matthew laughed as Drake left his office, that last comment pretty much left him open to anything and everything, yep, this could end up being a great trip.
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    When Drake walked into Ethan’s office, he paused when he noticed he was on the phone. Ethan motioned him in, so he walked in and sat in one of the guest chairs to wait. Drake studied Ethan while he was talking and realized he looked tired, too tired. The man had been working nonstop for weeks, and with Mary gone he was still trying to get caught up. Ethan needed a break and Drake had the perfect plan.
    “Sorry about that Drake, Ms. Whitmore can be long winded. What can I do for you?”
    “I made a decision about your workload, but I want you to listen before you respond.” When Ethan nodded, Drake continued.
    “I’m taking your entire case load and moving it over under my staff. I want you to take the rest of the week off and I don’t want to see you until Monday, or you’re fired. Understand?” Drake watched Ethan’s emotions run across his face.
    “What do you mean you’re taking over my entire case load? No way, not happening.” What the hell was running through Drake’s head? “I am already behind on my cases as it is, this will just make it worse Drake!” “Also, what about Anna? She’s new and I need to finish getting her up to speed?”
    “Look Ethan, you’re overworked and tired, you need a break and some release. How long has it been since you’ve been to the club?” Drake waited to see if Ethan would acknowledge his question, but no response came. He could see the wheels turning, Ethan trying to decide how to

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