Attorneys at Law - Drake

Free Attorneys at Law - Drake by Allie Williams

Book: Attorneys at Law - Drake by Allie Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allie Williams
                  “GOOD MORNING MR. Murphy, what can I do for you?” Carolyn knew receiving a call from Drake Murphy this early in the morning was not a good start to her day.
    “Carolyn, where the hell is the legal brief on the Anderson case?” Drake’s voice rang out sternly.
    “I haven’t received it from Mr. Montgomery yet” was Carolyn’s response.
    Drake didn’t have time to worry with such menial tasks as tracking down paperwork. Especially when said brief should have already been in his hands. What the hell was Ethan doing? This was the second time this week he had missed a deadline.
    “Call Ethan and get an update, tell him I’ve been waiting… know what? Never mind, I’ll call him myself,” and with that, the phone on Carolyn’s end went dead.
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    “Hey man, what can I do for you?” Ethan already knew why Drake was calling and knew he had to answer the call. He was already behind and didn’t need Drake walking over to his office and adding even more time to his projects.
    “Where the hell is the brief you owe me?” Drake growled.
    “I’m still working on it, but I’ll have it to you by the end of the day.” Yep, Drake was not happy, but then, what was new.
    “I was supposed to have it this morning! Of course, let’s not forget the fact that this is after you already put me off for two days!”
    “Look man, I’m buried under a lot of paperwork since Mary left. I’ll get you the brief by five.”
                  “No more Ethan, I’m calling Brenda in human resources. She’ll send you names of available paralegals from our temp agency. Hire one today, or I will!” and with that, Drake hung up.
    Ethan sat rubbing his temples, trying to ward off the headache that seemed to have taken up permanent residence in his head these past few weeks. Mary leaving had thrown a huge wrench in his otherwise orderly schedule. He couldn’t blame her though, her father had suddenly fallen very ill after his heart attack, so she had moved back home to take care of him. He also hated to admit it, but Drake was right, he needed to hire a replacement, like yesterday.

    DRAKE WAS RUNNING late for his two o’clock, which just added to his already hectic day. Something he prided himself on was always being on time; otherwise it showed lack of respect towards your client. If he could make it to his car without any interruptions he should be able to make it to his clients office with a few minutes to spare.
    Drake rounded the corner near the elevator and spotted Ethan talking to a woman. He needed to talk to Ethan about an issue with a case, but his time was short so it would have to wait. Just as Drake pressed the down arrow for the elevator he heard his name.
    “Drake, do you have a minute?” Ethan asked.
    “Running behind this morning, it’ll have to wait,” Drake didn’t turn around.
    “I want you to meet someone. It will only take a minute.”
    Drake turned to face Ethan and he knew he was scowling. What part of ‘ I am running behind, it’ll have to wait’ did Ethan not understand. He hated repeating himself, but the second time would definitely get the point across. Before he could utter a word, another voice interrupted.
    “Hello Mr. Murphy, I’m Anna Thompson, Ethan’s new paralegal.”
    Drake turned and briefly glanced at the woman who spoke, and at the hand she offered, then turned his attention back to Ethan.
    “I told you I have a meeting,” turning just as the elevator doors were opening Drake walked inside dismissing them both. As the doors began to close, he noticed Ethan was none too

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