Fall From Grace

Free Fall From Grace by David Menon

Book: Fall From Grace by David Menon Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Menon
Tags: UK
can’t believe his parents are going for custody of her when you’re the one who’s given up school to look after her … it’s just so not fair on you … ‘
    She went outside to take the rest of the call. When she came back she offered no apology or explanation. Just the same set face as before.
    ‘Where’ve you been, Anita?’ asked Paul.
    ‘What’s it got to do with you?’
    ‘I’m your employer, Anita, and you disappeared for half an hour on my time. That’s what it’s got to do with me.’
    ‘God, this is like being at school!’
    ‘Well if you don’t want to be treated like a child then don’t act like one.’
    ‘What’s that supposed to mean? I’m not a kid.’
    Not much, thought Paul. ‘I’m still waiting for an explanation, Anita.’
    ‘It was me friend, Belinda Hunter, okay? She’s dead upset because the parents of the father of her baby have dared to say that she’s not a fit mother and they want to go for custody. I think they’ve got a bloody cheek if you ask me. I mean, what’s it got to do with them or the baby’s father? The baby belongs to my friend, end of.’
    ‘How old is your friend?’
    ‘She’s fifteen.’
    ‘Well then don’t you think that the parents of the father of her child might have a point? They only want the best for their grandchild.’
    ‘And what about the best for my friend, eh? She’s in bits because of them!’
    ‘It’s not about her, Anita. It’s about her child and it’s about her being underage when she became pregnant.’
    ‘But it just happens.’
    ‘No it doesn’t just happen, Anita,’ said Paul. ‘You can walk into any chemist shop and get contraception.’
    ‘But I wanted a baby.’
    ‘So it doesn’t just happen,’ said Paul. ‘You make it happen. So why do you do that when you’re underage?’
    ‘Because it’s my right.’
    ‘No, it isn’t your right!’ said Paul, angrily. ‘It’s nobody’s right to have a baby, Anita. But it is society’s right to expect you to take advantage of the education the taxpayer provides you with. You can’t use a baby as an excuse to absolve yourself of personal responsibility and check out of normal life.’
    ‘Why can’t I if it’s what I want?’
    ‘Because you’re not the one who’s paying for it,’ said Paul. ‘You shouldn’t have a child unless you can support yourself and it. You can’t define yourself just by having a baby but you’ll be a better role model for your daughter if you get down to work and do something for yourself. It isn’t your right to have that baby but it becomes everyone else’s responsibility because you’re too young to support it.’
    ‘So that isn’t fair on everybody else.’
    ‘So take advantage of the chance I’m giving you today to repay some of what you’ve taken.’
    Anita’s mobile rang again.
    ‘Hiya Mam… Well I’ve not done anything yet… yeah, I know it’s gone ten o’clock… yeah, you’re right, it is a complete waste of time… look, I’d better go, I’m getting the evils… no don’t worry, Mam, I won’t take any shit off anybody… yeah, see ya, ta ra.’
    Paul’s patience was staring to run out.
    ‘Anita, I’m giving you a real chance here…’
    ‘…Look, my family have had enough of you!’
    ‘Anita, the more educated you are, the more choices you’re able to make and the less threatened you are by anything. Don’t you see that? Don’t you see that being at work and earning a salary is more beneficial to your child than sitting at home all day and claiming off the social?’
    ‘I’m entitled to the social!’
    ‘Really? You haven’t paid anything into the system so why should you get anything out of it?’
    ‘Well my Mum…’
    ‘ …exactly. Your Mum hasn’t paid anything into it either. Benefits should be about a fair system of exchange, Anita. You work, you pay in, you get something out when you need it. Am I making sense?’
    Anita sighed. ‘Whatever.’
    ‘Anita, your

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