Always Devoted

Free Always Devoted by Karen Rose Smith

Book: Always Devoted by Karen Rose Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Rose Smith
about a lot right now, Linc.  But as far as tonight goes, I'm glad you're here."
    Then she hightailed it out of the living room for her bedroom before anything happened between them she'd regret.
    Linc felt the tug on his arm and instantly came awake.  Becky's dark brown eyes held questions and he didn't have most of the answers.
    "Mommy's door's shut!  Her door's not ever shut."
    Linc had closed Emma's bedroom door last night after she'd fallen asleep.  He'd guessed she probably left it open so she'd hear her daughter.  But last night she'd needed sleep and he had intended to take care of Becky if she called.
    "Your mommy's been really tired lately.  So I thought it was a good idea if I stayed and helped if either of you needed anything."
    Becky shifted a small pink blanket she'd dragged in over her arm and bit her lower lip as she considered his explanation.  Then she eyed the remote on the coffee table.  "Can we watch SpongeBob?"
    Maybe Emma didn't let her watch TV in the morning.  If so, today was going to be an exception.  He sat up and handed her the remote.  "Do you know the channel?"
    Grinning at him, she pressed the "Power" button then three of the numbers.
    Kids today , he thought with a shake of his head.  SpongeBob popped up on the screen.  At least it wasn't another Barbie movie like Nathan's youngest daughter insisted on watching.
    When Becky sidled close to Linc and laid her head against his chest, then poked her thumb into her mouth, he felt as if he'd dropped into a life that wasn't really his.  Draping his arm around Becky, he watched the cartoon with her.
    After about a half hour, though, he'd had enough.  Action was his strong suit.  "Are you hungry?"
    "Is there time for pancakes?"
    Linc imagined that on days when Emma left for work, pancakes weren't on the breakfast menu.  But today, he wasn't going to deny this little girl anything.
    A few minutes later, Linc realized that Emma kept an organized pantry.  It wasn't long before he found an electric griddle, pancake mix, milk and eggs.
    When Becky wandered into the kitchen, her pink blanket over her arm, she pushed one of the kitchen chairs over beside him.
    After she climbed up on it, she announced, "Mommy lets me watch."
    "Does she let you help stir?  I can always use help stirring."
    Becky finally let her blanket drop to the chair seat, took hold of the spoon he held out to her, and tried her best to stir the eggs into the mix with the milk.  There were a few splashes of course.  He'd have to change his shirt before he dropped by his office.  But a few dollops of pancake batter were nothing compared to the good feeling in his chest for helping this mother and daughter.
    He'd flipped the last of the golden brown pancakes on the griddle and was watching the scrambled eggs on the stove when Emma came through the living room.  Just awakened, she looked sexy.  Visions of her waking up beside him urged his internal temperature up a few degrees.
    Becky must have heard her mom's soft footsteps, because from her shotgun position at the griddle, she turned and spotted her.  Quicker than lightning could strike, she was off the chair and running to her.
    Emma hugged her as if she hadn't seen her for a week.  "Hey, baby.  What are you doing?"
    "Makin' us breakfast.  Helpin' Linc.  It's almost done.  Come see."
    Becky grabbed her mom's hand and pulled her toward Linc.
    Emma's gaze met Linc's.  "Good morning."
    "Good morning to you," he said as casually as he could manage.  She looked fabulous in drawstring pink patterned pants and a pink tank.  He figured they were a sleeping set.  Was her favorite color pink?  She looked more tempting in that outfit than any woman would look in lingerie.
    Had he just seen too many women in lingerie?
    She pointed to the blobs of pancake batter on his shirt.  "I can see Becky was helping?"
    He chuckled.  "How do you know I didn't do this myself?"
    "Well, if you did, then I'd say the next time you

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