Rebel Lexis

Free Rebel Lexis by Paul Alan

Book: Rebel Lexis by Paul Alan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paul Alan
Tags: BluA
have to circumvent the Point’s Pipe by traveling across the surface… Calculate a return to the nearest Polaris Pipe Portico.”
    “Navigation searching…multiple routes possible,” Sofia calmly replied.
    “Sofia, let’s backtrack towards the Fissure Point Pipe, and we’ll leave them an electronic impression…like we’re going to MAGLEV...”
    “All war is based on deception.”
    “Very good, Sofia, where did you get that from?”
    “From Sun Tzu’s book, ‘Art of War,’ published in 513 BC...” Sofia replied and hesitated to look him. She then continued saying, “He was a great Chinese General.”
    “How are the systems?” he weakly asked.
    “All systems nominal, and we’ve gone stealth,” answered Sofia.
    “Get ready to deploy EMPM.” Jason enhanced the heads-up display, zooming in on the fast moving convoy of Vril Troopers.
    “I have the vehicles targeted…Jason, give the voice command to dispatch EMPM.”
    “EMPM one, go on my command…” Again, a small port opened up on top of the ship. He then gave the command, “EMPM launch!” 
    The missile launched out at hypersonic speed and in no time the Electromagnetic Pulse Missile exploded above the convoy; immediately stopping the pursuing Vril contingent dead in their tracks. The EMPM did not kill but only disabled the vehicles’ electronics.
                  “They’re going to see that from space…they’ll question me about our weapons’ expenditures, and it won’t take them long to connect this event with me.”
    Sofia turned, compassionately grabbed on to his forearm, deeply stared into his eyes, and said, “Jason, I won’t let any harm come to you…even if the threat comes from the Polaris Corporation.”
    “Why’ve you slowed our progress, Sofia?” Jason’s voice wavered looking at the Skin. He winced from his own touch while rubbing at his sore shoulder.
    “Jason, we are about to enter the Alkali Endorheic Salt Lake.”
    “Ah yes, traveling across there would definitely give our position away. Hello, Devonian Scum, see our giant red rooster tail? Come and get us!” Jason’s off kilter comment was more self-deprecating in nature; because he could not believe that he was about to make a huge error.
    “Should I do an end around?”
    “What does that mean?” Jason ignorantly inquired.
    “The ‘end around,’ is a tactical phrase used during the twentieth century, I pulled it from a strategist handbook relating to a physical sport called football. Meaning, we should go wide around the line of pursuing Vril.”
    “Yes, we’ll head west for the Pacific Rim, then go southeast until we hit the Polaris’s Southern Hemisphere Pipe.”

    “We have a situation!” Learner nervously uttered in a tautly grated high pitched tone. The squamous cells layering inside his mouth, begged for moisture; the dryness of his throat caused his words to sound scabby and hoarse.
    “Is this something you can handle?” a thick voice asked over Learner’s communicator.
    “I need more assets in the mix!” he pleaded while scratching at the hives covering his epidermis as his skin-crawling anxiety plagued him; the pressure was on to open the cargo container.
    “One question… do you have the package?” The secretive man spoke regarding the NEPRs.
    “So what is the situation?”
    “It’s complicated!” he declared.
    “Just bring us what you have, and we’ll discuss the particulars later.”
    “Negative, I need to take care of the…situation first.”
    “Expenditures are higher than you’ve previous accounted…”
    “Listen, if I don’t take care of this…the whole thing will go sideways, jeopardizing everything.”
    The voice on the other end hesitated before answering. “You’ll get the assets needed to clean things up…however, you better succeed; because when the smoke clears, a thorough investigation will

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