Dead of Knight

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Book: Dead of Knight by William R. Potter Read Free Book Online
Authors: William R. Potter
Tags: Mystery
open,” Taylor said.
    Fraser took Douglas to the interview room, while Staal remained at the desk.
    “Phil, we’re gonna need to set up a lineup in about twenty minutes.”
    “No problem, Jack. I’ll set up in two, and when you’re ready just walk him over.”
    When Staal called Jim Dell, Dell told him he could be there in fifteen minutes or less. He then called down to holding about A.J. Morgan. Sergeant Anderson told Staal he’d bring Morgan up as soon as necessary. Morgan’s identification wouldn’t hold up in court; however it could help sway a judge to sign a search warrant for Douglas’s place.
    Staal stepped into Interview Room Three. “All comfy, Matty? Here’s how it’s going to go. You’re gonna stand in this line-up, and if our guy picks you out, you’ll be a collar for auto theft.”
    “And if he doesn’t? I’m outta here?”
    Douglas received no answer.
    The sixteen square foot room was empty except for a table, several chairs, and a filing cabinet.
    “It’s kind of stuffy in here so I’ll turn on the AC, Matt,” Staal said as left the room.
    Staff-Sergeant Barnes found Staal and fired curious questions about what they were doing with Mathew Douglas. Staal updated Barnes on how they found the man.
    “You’ll call Murdocco and let the team know what you’re up to?” Barnes asked. His tone implied an order and not an inquiry.
    “About a car-thief, Sarge?”
    “Careful, Jack. I said help the team—not the other way around.” Barnes walked away.
    “We’re in luck. Crown Council Darren Clarke is in the precinct,” Rachael Gooch said when she found Staal watching Douglas through the one-way glass of IR-3. “I’ll track him down and bring him over. Line-up’s in Interview Two, right?”
    Staal nodded.
    “Good. I’ll call Anderson to bring up Morgan.”
    Staal made his way to the hallway outside of the interview rooms. Interview Two was twice as large as Three and featured a 6 by 10 foot one-way mirror and sound system. A Venetian blind covered the window. Staal peered through it and saw five men dressed in black sitting in chairs with number cards looped around their necks. Three of the line-up wore bandanas and the rest sported ball caps. Matt Douglas looked down, almost blocking his number three.
    Rachael brought Jim Dell to stand next to Staal. A few feet to Gooch’s right stood Crown Counsel Clarke.
    “Thanks for coming down so quickly, Mr. Dell. Behind this blind are five men with numbers. They can’t see you, so relax and take your time. If you recognize anyone—let us know how and where from. If you can’t make out anyone, that’s okay, too. Any questions, Mr. Dell?”
    Dell shook his head. Staal nodded to Rachael and she pulled the string to lift the blind.
    Dell looked each man up and down. If any of the faces were familiar to him, he didn’t let on. Finally, he turned his gaze to Staal, pointed to the window and said, “That’s him, number three.”
    “Where do you recognize him from, Mr. Dell?” Gooch asked.
    “From my diner, last night. I served—I served the bastard a meal!” Dell turned to the glass and began to yell, “I see little fuck!” He pounded his fist on the window. Gooch lowered the blind quickly and Staal steered Dell from the hallway and walked the shaken man to the waiting area of the squad room. Dell took a seat.
    “Thanks again for your help, Mr. Dell. Would you like a coffee or a bottled water?”
    Dell said nothing. 
    Back in the hall outside the interview rooms, Staal could hear A.J. Morgan.
    “What gives? Where’s that Staal dude?”
    “I’m here, Morgan. We’ve got a lineup for you to look at.”
    The line of men still stood across the room. Anderson had changed Douglas’ number from three to five. Gooch raised the blind once more.
    Morgan glanced at the Crown Counsel with mild familiarity and then looked through the window.
    “Jesus, that’s one ugly bunch a queers. Can’t help you cops, don’t know any one

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