Dead of Knight

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Book: Dead of Knight by William R. Potter Read Free Book Online
Authors: William R. Potter
Tags: Mystery
of ‘em.” Morgan paused. “Shit; number five. Get him to come closer.”
    Staal leaned toward the wall and spoke into an intercom. “Number five. Take two steps forward.”
    Douglas stepped closer.
    “Holy fuck. It’s the dude from the alley last night.”
    “You sure?” asked Gooch.
    “Yeah, it’s him. Dude didn’t know I was watchin’ him. Jesus, I thought this was about that CD shop robbery last week. I um, well that’s what that prick Anderson told me.”
    A uniform cop took Morgan away when Gooch motioned him to do so.
    Darren Clarke, who remained quiet throughout the identification process, now spoke in a professional tone. “Congratulations, Detectives, you have yourselves a great steaming pile of circumstantial evidence. Neither of your wits saw anything that any legal-aid hack couldn’t bury with a dozen examples of mistaken identity. Get me something concrete, a confession, a tasty DNA match...besides, isn’t IHIT handling the Birthday Boy case?”
    “Staal and I are more interested in a warrant to search his residence and vehicle,” Gooch cut him off. “We know we’re far from clearing this one, Clarke.” 
    “When we have something—we’ll hand it over to the team,” Staal said.
    “A warrant? Why didn’t you say so? I’ll give Judge Wanamaker a call and inform him you’ll be stopping by.”
    Clarke turned away and disappeared down the hall.
    “Fraser is already over at the courthouse, tracking down the judge,” Gooch said. She pulled out her cell phone, dialed Fraser, and told him about the two positive ID’s. A minute later Gooch said to Staal, “Ken says he’ll have a warrant in twenty minutes. Let’s roll for Douglas’s place.”
    “Hold on, Rachael. If we fly over there and lay a warrant on Mrs. Douglas, she’ll lawyer up her son in a flash.”
    “Shit, you’re right, Jack.” She told Fraser to come back to West Precinct.
    “I think you should go at him for the Walker murder,” Staal said. “Go at him hard, get loud, and then I’ll take over and save him from the crazy-bitch cop.”
    Rachael smiled. “Let’s do it. You set it up.”
    Staal returned to Interview Room Two. Douglas was slumped over the desk. The other bodies from the line up were gone. Staal nodded to Anderson and the uniform cop left the room.
    “Good news, Matt.”
    Douglas raised his head.
    “You’re clear on the auto theft thing,” Staal said.
    “What about Jay?”
    “Changed his story—so we don’t believe him.”
    “Fuckin’ A! So I’m outta here?”
    “No such luck, man. Got another detective who wants a word with you on something else.”
    Staal tapped the door to the hallway. Gooch entered the room.
    “What the hell? What is this?” asked Douglas. His face was wary as he watched Rachael circle the room. Staal stepped back to the corner and sat down.
    Gooch took a seat at the desk in front of Douglas. “Matt, I’m Sergeant Detective Gooch. I need to ask you some questions.”
    “What is this about?” 
    “I need to know your exact whereabouts from 10 until 12 last night.” Her voice was calm. “And don’t give me any bullshit.”
    “Like I, um, told Detective Staal, I was home last night at that time. My Mom can vouch for me. Call her.” Matt looked over to Staal. “Please call her and see.”
    “I just called her, Matt. She says she heard your radio going, but didn’t actually see you until this morning, before you left for work.”
    “I was. I was there, I swear it.”
    “Look, Douglas, we know you were out last night. We’ve got a witness who puts you at Jim’s diner, over on Second Avenue, at 10 last night.”
    “No. No way, lady.” He shook his head.
    “This guy picked you out of a line-up, says you had a cheeseburger, fries, and a coffee.” Gooch took off her watch, a ring, put the jewelry on the cabinet, and rolled up her sleeves.
    “No.” Douglas watched Gooch remove her things. He glanced at Staal again.
    “You smoke Marlboro’s,

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