Single Ladies
on the contemporary, black sofa , and cuddled against her soft bosom.
    "That spaghetti was so good. Damn, I love you, girl."
    "Love you, too." Daphne continued to watch an episode of My wife and kids.
    "You know, I have to be back home in Houston next week.  All next week, so when you come back from being with your brother, I may not see you for a few days, boo."
      "What do you have to do there?  And why are you just now telling me this?"
    "There's money to be made.  My cousin's got a big event with some models flying in from all over the world. This is big time, Daph!"
    "Are you talking about this Elite Ladies tour that everybody is screaming about?"
    "Yeah!  I've been knowing about it, before anybody around here, because my cousin is one of the head honchos."
    Daphne was disappointed. " So, why haven't you been telling me about this?  You tell me everything else.  Did you not want me to go wi-"
    Jas pulled away from Daphne.  "Here we go with the bull!  I have been so busy with clients, talking to my cousin about this tour, and trying to keep my so-called relationship going with you, so I'm sorry if it slipped my mind, Daphne."
    "So-called?" Daphne's face flushed with anger.
    "Okay, don't take what I say so literally!    I just meant it because you want what we have to be a secret. I said I was gonna leave you alone about it and let you deal with it your way, as long as I have you in my life.  I'm  wore down to the bone with this stuff, Daphne.  I mean, damn!  You and I are both well known, top stylists and makeup artists, so I figured any news I get, you will get also.  They notify the cream of the crop anytime there is something big like this goin on.  Don’t tell me you haven't gotten any emails or anything."
    Daphne realized that she hadn't checked her email for almost two weeks.  "Okay, maybe they did send it to me and I haven't had time to read it.  I've been worried sick about Denise."
    "See, that's what I mean.  You have a lot on your plate, baby.  I just thought maybe you got it and didn't have time or couldn't make time, because you gotta go home and be with your brother."
    Jas looked sexy, with her fresh haircut. 
    Daphne leaned in toward Jas and gave her a slow, deep kiss.
    "I'm sorry, baby.  You are absolutely right.  I have been worried sick lately.  My flight leaves in the morning.  You'll be at work when I leave, but just promise me that while you are gone to Houston, I'll stay on your mind."
    "More than that.   You'll be on my heart, boo." Jas kissed her soft hands.  A soft hint of colonge from Jas' wrist ignited her senses.
    "Make love to me, Jas." Daphne purred, as her pussy throbbed with desire.
    Without further ado, Jas rendered her a passion, that felt like the very first time.  She slid Daphne's skirt up over her hips and spread her tender thighs.  Pushing her satin panties to the side, she licked the inside of her thighs, before her tongue found it's way home.   If her pussy was a canvas, and Jas' tongue was a soft brush, the picture that was being painted, would be a true work of art.  She put her all into each stroke.  Carefully and gently sucking, and licking each and every spot of Daphne's pink opening.  Daphne grinded her hips into Jas' face and ran her fingers across her head, as she came all over her tongue.  Jas was hungry for more.     They both were more than willing to go for round two.  After getting undressed, they stepped into a warm, steamy shower, and took it from the top.  TAKE TWO.
    California was different from the atmosphere of Chicago.  Daphne drove her rental car to St. Paul's General Hospital, after calling Jas and assuring her that she had a safe trip.  Taking the corridor to the west wing of the hospital, she found her heart pounding as the elevator doors opened her eyes to the reality of death.  An emaciated, female AIDS patient was sitting in front of her in a wheelchair, when she walked toward the nurse's station to ask for

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