Remember Me Always: A Contemporary Romance

Free Remember Me Always: A Contemporary Romance by Angela Snyder

Book: Remember Me Always: A Contemporary Romance by Angela Snyder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Snyder
head, I yell, "Mack!"
    Ruby Sue looks frightened as she retreats back to the bottom step.  She stumbles and almost falls in her ridiculously high heels.  I'm quick to catch her and hold her upright.
    "I hate dogs," she mutters under her breath.
    I roll my eyes.  I'm not in the mood to deal with her shit right now.  Glancin' up at Mack, I point to the grass and tell him to go pee.  He bounds down the steps, stoppin' at the bottom to sniff at Ruby Sue, which causes her to scream and practically jump in my arms.  Mack lets out a low growl before retreatin' to the yard.
    "Go inside," I tell her.  "I'll bring him in when he's done."
    "Okay.  But make sure you pen him up in the kitchen.  I don't want him disturbing us like last time."
    The memory makes me chuckle.  Mack was totally cockblockin' me last time Ruby Sue was here.  He hates her with a passion, and he wanted her out of the house instead of in my bed.
    I wait until Mack does his business, and then I reluctantly pen him up in the kitchen.  He gives me sad puppy dog eyes, and I pet his head and promise him, "Sorry, buddy.  It's only for a little while."
    I search the downstairs for Ruby Sue, but she's nowhere to be found.  Of course she's probably waitin' for me in my bedroom.  I hesitate at the bottom of the steps.  For some reason, the thought of havin' sex with Ruby is turnin' me off right now.  I've never had this problem before, so I try to clear my thoughts as I make my way upstairs.
    Ruby Sue is stretched out on my bed wearin' only a black, lacey bra and matchin' thong.  "I'm sorry I haven't been around lately," she says.  "The shop has been so busy, and Tom gave me more hours since I'm training an apprentice."  She sits up and winks at me before sayin', "But I promise I'll make it up to you tonight."
    I stand at the edge of the bed, takin' in her delectable form.  "You look good enough to eat," I whisper, and she giggles.
    Pausin', I realize that's not the sound I want to hear.  I want to hear Penny's giggle.  Shakin' my head to get her out of my thoughts, I loosen my belt and slip it out of the loops.
    Ruby Sue gets on her knees on the mattress and tugs me closer by my waistband.  "Let me help with that," she says seductively.
    I close my eyes, and I start imagin' a petite blonde on her knees before me.  I'm hard as a rock when Ruby takes my cock out of my jeans.
    "Whoa, tiger," she purrs.  She sweeps her tongue on the underside of my hard length, and I almost cum right then and there.
    My eyes stay closed as I keep up the fantasy.  Her name is on the tip of my tongue, and I almost whisper… Penny .  Shit.   My eyes snap open, and I stare down at Ruby Sue's dark locks.  Her red lips are wrapped around my slowly dwindlin' cock.
    She tries for a while to get me hard again, but everything is provin' to be futile.  My dick has a mind of its own tonight I guess.  And the only thing on its mind is Penny…who is not here right now.  What the fuck is happenin' to me?
    Feelin' embarrassed, I pull away from her and tug up my boxer briefs.  "Sorry.  I just have a lot on my mind right now."  I flop down on the bed with a sigh.
    "Obviously," she mutters, disappointedly.  "Okay.  Well, maybe this is a good thing."  She lies on the bed beside me.  "We'll actually get a chance to really talk about things."  She rolls to her side, proppin' her head in her hand.  "Tell me what's bothering you."
    "Ah, fuck, Ruby Sue, I don't want to talk about shit.  If I wanted a fuckin' psychiatrist, I would go to one."  I sound more pissed off than I actually feel, and I instantly regret it.
    "Big surprise," she says, rollin' her eyes and standin' up.  I watch as she starts to gather her clothes from the floor.  "You never want to talk about anything, Colton.  We've been seeing each other for three years, and sometimes I wonder if I even know you at all."
    "Don't start this shit again," I complain.
    "Oh, I am starting it, Colt," she says while

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