Keeper of the Realms: The Dark Army (Book 2)

Free Keeper of the Realms: The Dark Army (Book 2) by Marcus Alexander

Book: Keeper of the Realms: The Dark Army (Book 2) by Marcus Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcus Alexander
gestured at Nibbler – ‘and I can find a narrow passageway to bottleneck the opposition, it shouldn’t be. Between his flames and my stonesinging we should be able to keep any threat at bay long enough for you to return with my god. Once my god is in my hands there will be no power in that fortress that can prevent us from leaving.’

    A Challenge of Will
    Charlie knuckled her head in an effort to stay focused.
    ‘Right,’ she said. ‘If you and Nibbler are keeping the citadel’s forces at bay I’ll be going on alone, in which case I want some real instructions on where I’ve got to go and what I’ve got to do. And when I say instructions I mean the kind that are step by step, childproof and impossible to fail.’
    ‘Do not worry, Charlie Keeper. The task ahead will be dangerous but not impossible. You are the one who is going to bring me back my god. Of this I am certain.’
    ‘Well … good. So tell me what I’ve got to do once we’re inside.’
    ‘There are seven lower dominions in Bellania, or as you’d call them, seven hells. The realm you require is inhabited by the Patchwork Kindred, and it will be as different to your eyes as Bellania is from Earth. Be aware that it will be unlike anything you have ever seen.’
    ‘It will be like a dream made real.’ He paused as he gave the matter some thought. ‘Or a nightmare.’
    ‘Oookay, then.’ Charlie had a sinking feeling that things were only going to go downhill from here. ‘So what other good news do you have for me?’
    ‘To open the Gate you must focus your Will upon it. You told me that the Delightful Brothers forced you to use a mirror to open a Portal to your own world. Well this is the same. Force it to open and it will reveal the path. Once you have passed through the Gates you will find yourself in a mist, so visibility will be limited. Beneath your feet you will feel a stone path; do not wander from this – turn neither left nor right, but follow it straight ahead. It will lead you to a bridge and on the other side you will find a temple. Remember: stay on the path and do not look down when you cross the bridge.’
    ‘Why not?’
    ‘Because it is said to span a bottomless pit. Those who look into it become mesmerized and fall. Once you have entered the temple –’
    ‘Wait, wait, wait. This all sounds too easy. I’m supposed to just walk on in? No guards with three heads? No devils with horns and tridents? No portcullis that turns into a mouth and tries to swallow me whole? Nothing like that?’
    ‘The scriptures say nothing of –’
    ‘Scriptures? You mean you don’t know? Have you never been there?’
    ‘Silly child, of course I have never been there! If I had do you think I would have any need for you and your idiotic sidekick?’
    ‘Hey!’ said Nibbler, who was quickly silenced by Darkmount’s thunderous glare.
    ‘May I continue?’
    Charlie nodded, still unsure what she was letting herself in for. She pouted and crossed her arms.
    Darkmount stared right back. ‘I can tell you nothing with certainty,’ he continued. ‘All I can tell you is what has been written. The temple will be open and unguarded. Once inside you must take yourself to the highest floor. There you will find a corridor lined with many doors. Those on the left will be marked with a burnt cross; the doors on the right will be marked with a burnt circle. The vessel you seek will be in one of the last three doors on the right. Precisely which of the three neither I nor the scriptures can say for certain. Under no circumstances must you attempt to open any door marked with a cross.’
    ‘Why not?’
    ‘The scriptures did not say why, only that it was forbidden.’
    ‘Fine. No doors with a cross. What does this vessel actually look like?’
    Darkmount sketched an outline in the dirt on the cave floor. It looked like a classical Greek vase, the kind with a pointy base. ‘It is an honest and humble stone urn. Dull brown in colour

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