Founding Grammars

Free Founding Grammars by Rosemarie Ostler

Book: Founding Grammars by Rosemarie Ostler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rosemarie Ostler
    objective case for
    as substitutes
    public schools
    Pullum, Geoffrey
    question-and-response format
    rational grammarians
    Recent Exemplifications of False Philology (Hall)
    Reed, Alonzo
    Reed, Andrew
    examples of
    Revolutionary War
    Richmond News Leader
    The Rights of All
    The Riverside Shakespeare (White, R.)
    Rockefeller, John D.
    Roosevelt, Theodore
    The Rotarian
    The Round Table
    Royal American Magazine
    rule of three
    Rush, Benjamin
    promotion of
    Science magazine
    Scott, William
    Second Great Awakening
    sentence-final preposition
    Seward, William
    sexist pronouns
    Seymour, Horatio
    Shakespeare, William
    with third person
    use of
    A Short Introduction to English Grammar (Lowth)
    Silliman, Benjamin
    Simplified Spelling Board
    Sketches and Eccentricities of Col. David Crockett of West Tennessee (Crockett)
    Sketches of the History of Man (Home)
    examples of
    use of
    Sledd, James
    Smithson, James
    Smithsonian Institution
    Snowden, Samuel
    Soule, John B. L.
    speech. See also parts of speech
    natural habits of
    stage western
    verbal critics on
    written language compared to
    split infinitives
    debate on
    examples of
    stage western speech
    The Standard of Usage in English (Lounsbury)
    Steele, John
    Steele, Mercy
    Stevenson, Howard
    Stiles, Ezra
    Stoker, Bram
    Story, Joseph
    Stowe, Harriet Beecher
    structural linguists
    Strunk, William, Jr.
    style guides
    of missing verb in comparisons
    in nominative case
    subjunctive mood
    substandard label
    substantive. See also noun
    Sun newspaper
    Sunday Star
    Swinton, William
    A Synopsis of Words in Twenty Languages (Webster, Noah)
    definition of
    Taft, William
    â€œtall talk,” western
    The Teacher’s Institute (Fowle)
    The Telegraph
    different than, different from
    then and
    them, as noun modifier
    then, than
    with everybody
    with singular antecedent
    thee and
    use of
    due to
    verb separated from
    to whom
    to be
    in Greek, Latin and Sanskrit
    nominative case after
    pronouns after
    unless you be, unless you are
    Toronto Globe and Mail
    The Travels of Cyrus
    Treaty of Paris
    Trinity Lane School
    The True English Grammar (Fowle)
    Truss, Lynne
    Twain, Mark
    Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe)
    United States Telegraph
    unless you be, unless you are
    Usage Panel
    Vanderbilt, Cornelius
    verbal critics
    The Verbalist (Ayres)
    classification of
    comparisons and subject of missing
    definition of
    nominative case after prepositions and
    to separated from
    unfamiliar forms
    virtue and grammar
    vocative case
    voting rights
    Walker, David
    Walker, Edward
    War of 1812
    was, with you
    Washington, George
    The Washington Post
    Webster, John
    Webster, Noah. See also Grammatical Institute of the English Language
    American Dictionary of the English Language
    American Spelling Book
    The American Minerva
    The American Spelling Book
    A Brief History of Epidemic and Pestilential Diseases
    A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language
    Connecticut school of
    criticism of
    Elements of Useful Knowledge
    English language lectures of
    essays by
    family history and career of
    influence of
    Murray, L., and
    A Philosophical and Practical Grammar
    spelling reform and
    theories of
    Webster, Noah (father)
    Webster, Rebecca
    Webster, William
    Webster’s Bible, Common Version
    Webster’s Second
    Webster’s Third New International

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