Founding Grammars

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Book: Founding Grammars by Rosemarie Ostler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rosemarie Ostler
    Western Recorder
    western “tall talk”
    Westminster Assembly’s “Shorter Catechism”
    which, compared to whose
    White, E. B.
    White, John
    White, Richard Grant
    criticism of
    Every-Day English
    in The Galaxy
    The Riverside Shakespeare
    theories of
    Words and Their Uses
    Whitney, Josiah
    Whitney, William Dwight
    Essentials of English Grammar
    review by
    with nonhumans
    use of
    Who did she or you speak to?
    whom compared to
    among with
    incorrect use of
    who compared to
    to whom
    with nonhumans
    which compared to
    Wilberforce, William
    Wilde, Oscar
    Williams, Ralph Olmsted
    Wills, Garry
    Wilson, Woodrow
    Winged Words, or The Diversions of Purley (Horne Tooke)
    Winning of the West (Roosevelt)
    Woe Is I (O’Conner)
    Wolcott, Oliver
    women, education of. See also female; lady
    Women’s Rights Convention
    Worcester, Joseph
    Word Study
    from Anglo-Saxon
    bizarre combinations
    country words and phrases
    misuse of
    offensive words and phrases
    over-genteel or pompous
    primary and secondary classes
    with similar meanings
    Words and Their Uses (White, R.)
    comments on
    popularity of
    Words: Their Use and Abuse (Mathews)
    written language
    Wycliffe, John
    Yagoda, Ben
    use of
    was with
    ye and
    between you and I
    you and me, you and I
    Young Kate (Lewis)
    The Young Lady’s Accidence (Bingham)

    Slinging Mud:
    Rude Nicknames, Scurrilous Slogans, and Insulting Slang from Two Centuries of American Politics
    Let’s Talk Turkey:
    The Stories Behind America’s Favorite Expressions
    Dewdroppers, Waldos, and Slackers:
    A Decade-by-Decade Guide to the Vanishing Vocabulary of the Twentieth Century

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    FOUNDING GRAMMARS. Copyright © 2015 by Rosemarie Ostler. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.
    Cover design by Jeremy Fink and David Baldeosingh Rotstein
    Feather by Jut/Shutterstock
    eBooks may be purchased for business or promotional use. For information on bulk purchases, please contact Macmillan Corporate and Premium Sales Department by writing to [email protected].
    The Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available upon request.
    ISBN 978-1-250-04612-3 (hardcover)
    ISBN 978-1-4668-4628-9 (e-book)
    e-ISBN 9781466846289
    First Edition: May 2015

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