The Reunion

Free The Reunion by Adriana Kraft

Book: The Reunion by Adriana Kraft Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adriana Kraft
breasts bobbing freely. “I almost had to drag her
out of the pool before she got burned.”
    “I bet you did.” Why did Maria look
so amused at his response? Was he being petulant? He blinked. Was he jealous? No
way. But if so, which woman was he jealous about—his lover for the past two
years, or the interloper?
    “I’ve always been envious of
California tans,” Sarah said, “probably ever since my mom played the Beach Boys
singing California Girls .”
    Maria reached for another ear of
corn. “You’ll have to spend a long time out here to get that kind of tan.”
    Adam watched Maria gnaw on the corn
cob. She started at the small end and worked around it with deliberate care. She
winked at Sarah and placed her lips over the end of the cob. Maria closed her
eyes and worked the cob in and out, chewing and sucking.
    Adam’s cock cramped in his tight
shorts. He peeked at Sarah, who appeared mesmerized by Maria’s actions, almost
drooling. Maria didn’t stop. Sarah flushed. She ran a hand across her neck. And
down her cleavage.
    Startled, Sarah looked blankly at
him. He grabbed her hand and got up from the table. “It looks like you’re ready
for bed.” He glared at Maria, who had stopped long enough to gawk at him. “The
maid can clean up and play with as many cobs as she can manage.”
    “But,” Sarah protested, “I’m not
done eating.”
    “I understand that,” Adam growled,
patting her rear. “Believe me. You definitely are not done eating.”
    “Isn’t that better than any old corn
cob?” Adam said, looking down at the back of Sarah’s head bobbing up and down.
    “Absolutely,” she said, quickly
catching a breath before returning to his cock.
    “You are an expert,” he muttered,
pulling her up into his arms. “But not yet. Come. Lie down on the bed. I never
really had the opportunity to finish desert—last night or tonight.”
    “You could have stayed the night,”
Sarah huffed. “I wasn’t anywhere near finished.”
    “That wasn’t an option.”
    “Will you stay tonight?”
    “Maybe,” he said, covering her mouth
with his. She opened, inviting his tongue. Instead, he slowly licked her lips
and pecked at the corner of her mouth. He traced her jaw line with his lips. Her
little mews of desire pleased him. He knew she wanted him to be quicker, but
she was going to learn about slow love. Correct that. About slow sex. He inched down the cord of her neck,
leaving wet evidence of his presence. He worked his tongue down her cleavage. She
arched her back. He chuckled.
    “Not yet, baby. Not nearly yet.” He
slid past her breast, tracing the crease of her abs. He rimmed her belly button
with his tongue. Was she remembering him doing the same thing to her ass the
night before? She hoisted her hips off the bed. She was greedy. He’d never
thought of Sarah Atkinson as greedy, particularly when it came to sex.
    Ignoring the invitation of her hips,
he worked back up to the underside of her breasts.
    “Oh my,” she whimpered. Her fingers
wove through his hair.
    He licked each breast thoroughly
before teasing a nipple with his tongue. He stopped just short of touching it. He
smiled watching it extend, seeking his mouth. He settled his mouth around the
nipple and as much breast as he could manage and suckled.
    His steady sucking taunted the woman
beneath him. She waggled her bottom from side to side, offering her ultimate
treasure. He refused to touch her there. She lowered her hand in search of
pleasure; he slapped it away. She groaned and lay back, apparently resigned to
the slow torture he had planned for her.
    Nothing he could do, however, could
keep her from coming. He wasn’t going to try. When he moved to suckle the
second nipple, Sarah raised and lowered her chest rapidly and moaned hoarsely.
    “You son of a bitch. You made me
come without even touching me.”
    He raised his head. “I beg to
differ, my lady. I am most certainly touching you.” He stuck out his tongue

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