The Reunion

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Book: The Reunion by Adriana Kraft Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adriana Kraft
Maria had needs, too.
    Hugging a pillow to her bosom, she
looked at the mirror. Had Maria been watching? She waved at the mirror and felt
foolish. If she had, she wouldn’t be there any longer. She’d be getting ready
for Adam.
    Sarah struggled to a sitting
position. Damn, could she still stand—let alone walk?
    Yes, Adam Granger could do slow. Had
she ever known sex was akin to torture? Had she ever been loved more
    She stumbled toward the door. But
Adam hadn’t come. Sarah managed a small grin. That wasn’t her worry. Maria was
probably taking care of that.
    Sarah closed the bedroom door behind
her and padded softly down the hallway until she came to the entrance to the
anteroom next to Maria’s bedroom.
    She stepped in to find a small room
set up with two small soft chairs. One had a note pinned to it.
    Hi Sarah,
    You looked delectable tonight! I’m
glad Adam took you slowly. I can hardly wait for my turn. I have to run and get
ready for Adam. He should have buckets tonight. Enjoy the show. Feel free to
use any of the toys.
    Sarah sat down and raised the
curtain covering the one-way mirror. She hadn’t arrived soon enough to catch
the preliminaries, but Adam was no doubt in a big hurry by now.
    She watched with fascination as
Maria rode his pole. Adam was on his back. Maria was on top facing away from
him and squarely facing the mirror. Clearly Maria had chosen the position for
the delight of the voyeur as well as the participants.
    There was no sound. That was a huge
drawback. But she’d never before watched a man and woman make love. Not that
she could see much of Adam. Well, she could certainly see his most important
    She wet her lips and parted her robe
to pull on her own nipples just as Maria was pulling on hers. The woman’s mouth
was moving. She was crying out even though Sarah couldn’t hear what she was
    Even while climaxing, Maria kept her
gaze focused on where Sarah sat. Adam’s hips began pumping—his climax must be
    At the last second, Maria backed off
of him and used her hands to pump his seed all over her belly and pussy. She’d
been right. Adam came in buckets. Maria was laughing. She dipped her fingers in
the come pooling at her waist and held a finger up for Sarah to see and then
slowly sucked it clean.
    Sarah clawed at her clit and came
quickly without taking her gaze off of Maria cleaning herself and Adam. Once
she was able to breathe again, Sarah stood on shaky legs and exited the small
room, leaving her host and hostess to themselves.
    In a few short minutes, Sarah threw
off her robe and crawled under the sheets of Adam and Maria’s bed. Would she
ever fall asleep? She couldn’t shake the image of the triumphant Maria beckoning
and inviting.
    How long could she hold out before seducing
the woman with cinnamon skin? It was no longer a matter of if ; it was
only a matter of when. She was probably the last one in the house to
acknowledge that.
    - o -
     “I’m not seducing her, Adam,” Maria
insisted. Trying to remain cool, she sat next to Adam on the Rangoon bench as
they typically did, watching the early morning fog roll out. It seemed later
than usual this morning. “You weren’t too concerned about what Sarah and I were
up to when you came to my bed last night. Why the sudden grilling?”
    “I had other needs then and you know
it,” Adam growled. “And what the hell were you doing with that corn cob last
night, if not seduction.”
    Maria tipped her head back and
laughed. “Turning you and her on. It worked, didn’t it? You couldn’t get her
away from the table fast enough. And I didn’t see Sarah resisting.”
    “No, I suppose not. Still, you said
you wouldn’t seduce her, that she’d seduce you.”
    “She will. You can take that to the
bank.” She scowled at him. “That’s still okay with you, isn’t it?”
    He glared out at the bay.
    “She’s not your private property.” Maria
tried to calm

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