Fortune Knocks Once

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Book: Fortune Knocks Once by Elizabeth Delavan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Delavan
never imagined a more beautiful ensemble for myself. It almost makes me normal!
    “I am sure you can’t wait to wear that dazzling gown, Charlotte. When you are all dressed up, you look so fey and sweet – like a fairy princess.”
    Lizzie was across the room inspecting fabrics with the sangfroid air of a discriminating aristocrat, secure in the superiority of her educated eye and palate.
    “Your hair is marvelous swept up and off your face in that fashion. Your eyes just take over your face completely now. Is my Molly not an absolute genius about the toilette?”
    Lizzie had temporarily loaned her lady’s maid to Charlotte and Molly had worked her magic on Charlotte’s hair. It was swept up from her neck into a gentle topknot with curling tendrils framing her face and neck.
    Charlotte gazed back at Lizzie in wonder. Gone was the somber expression that had consistently marked her face in the harsh days before her marriage. Her dark chocolate brown eyes sparkled with animation and her mouth was curved into a gentle smile that carried the threat of outright laughter at the slightest provocation.
    Lizzie picked up a bolt of fabric and stood in front of a large oval mirror, spreading the fabric, she held it against her body and imagined a completed gown.
    “Should I select this, do you think Charlotte? I am just not sure.”
    Lizzie turned to look at Charlotte and after looking at her face, quickly threw down the fabric with a snort.
    “You are right of course. It is not the right color for me at all. It makes me look washed out and vapid. I completely trust your judgment, Charlotte.”
    Lizzie and Charlotte both burst into laughter at the idea that Charlotte, who had done nothing for two weeks but take direction and instructions from Lizzie, would dictate so critical an issue as color to her very fashionable and elegant friend.
    Clothiers and seamstresses around town were all getting used to the pair of Society ladies who showed up in the shops and giggled together like schoolgirls as they spent what to all intents and purposes appeared to be an unlimited budget.
    They were quickly becoming inseparable and were seen about town everywhere. Lizzie took her to museums, the theater, walking in the park, and introduced her to flavored ices, delicious juicy gossip and every fashionable individual they encountered.
    “Now do you need anything else? Shall we order more nightgowns?”
    Lady Elizabeth had ordered her several provocative nightgowns during earlier shopping trips and had told her that a full report of their use would be required.
    Charlotte blushed mightily and nodded her head yes.
    “So, more nightgowns,” Lizzie said raising her eyebrows. “I am all a twitter my dear. You must explain what happened to the earlier ones.” Lizzie crowed wickedly, her eyes twinkling, as she took both Charlotte’s arms and looked down into her face.
    “N-no. You know that is n-not proper L-lizzie,” whispered Charlotte.
    “Did Colin rip them off you in a fit of lust-induced madness?”
    Charlotte’s face flashed red and she ducked her head in embarrassment. “Shh..s-som-someone w-will hear you.”
    “Or did you tear them while running from him when he turned into a ravening beast and chased you through the house in a drunken rage seeking to ravish you?”
    Charlotte gave Lizzie a stern warning look to stop when suddenly Lizzie turned and looked around.
    “Oh, we must go. Time has gotten away from me. Goodness, Charlotte you are such a bad influence on me.”
    Charlotte looked at her incredulously.
    “The new nightgowns will have to wait. I can only hope that not all those expensive delicate unmentionables were the casualty of those vile urges of your brutish husband.”
    Lizzie faced the seamstress working on Charlotte and began giving her instructions for packing up and delivering all the items that were

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