Fortune Knocks Once

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Book: Fortune Knocks Once by Elizabeth Delavan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Delavan
    “Come, come, change quickly. We must get home immediately. Your singing instructor is coming this afternoon. And I want you to refresh yourself. You can wear your new yellow lawn day gown. It looks so lovely with your hair color.”
    “On the way home we must talk about the ball next week. There is so much to do to get you ready for your big moment.”
    When they were not shopping, Lizzie was always coaching Charlotte, in manners, giving her instructions for conducting herself in public. Charlotte’s education in the ways and means of London Society, her preparation to take her rightful place as Colin’s wife, could not have been conducted by a more knowledgeable or caring teacher. And her pupil has blossomed under her tutelage.
    They both quickly hastened to ready themselves and left the shop just as their carriage pulled up and the two footmen hurried inside to collect their purchases. Packages safely settled, they both relaxed onto their seats as the carriage moved out into the noisy and crowded London traffic to make its way back to Colin’s townhouse.
    Both women relaxed against the seat feeling tired and ready for home after their several hours that day hurrying to and fro in fashionable pursuits. During the carriage ride home, Charlotte gave Lizzie a serious look, started to speak and then timidly looked away and out the window to the passing London streets.
    “What is wrong dear? I can always tell when something is troubling you.”
    “I should not say,” Charlotte whispered, shaking her head as her forehead wrinkled and her mouth turned down into a troubled frown.
    “No, you must tell me. Maybe I could help.”
    Charlotte’s face reddened as she lowered her head and in a very low voice continued, “I-I was j-just wondering if C-C-Colin would be home.
    He never is anymore. I rarely see him.
    “He is quite often gone from home, is he not?”
    Charlotte nodded her head. The fun and joy of the shopping trip with Lizzie was displaced by a feeling of disquiet and agitation. She bit her lip in contemplation and stared out the carriage window with a vacant expression. Her hands were suddenly lifeless and still in her lap.
    “Are you missing him?”
    Charlotte looked at Lizzie and sadly nodded her head, her velvety liquid eyes revealing her inner turmoil. Lizzie took Charlotte’s hand and gently stroked it, while speaking very softly and soothingly.
    “Darling, Colin has always associated with a very “fast” set in London.  He is just adjusting to his newfound wealth and the joy of enjoying it in the most decadent city in the world. His financial restrictions have never allowed him to really have fun before.”
    Charlotte’s face wrinkled in a scowl and she turned her head away.
    He is having that fun at my expense. He comes home very late. I am always sleeping when he comes home. He joins me in bed, then sleeps until noon and goes out again.
    “Let him have his escapades. That is the way of it for husbands and wives in London. It is not fashionable to be always together.”
    “Wh-when I d-do s-s-see him d-during the d-day he is dr-dr-drunk or hung over.”
    “Of course, darling. That is the natural state of the British aristocracy. Why should Colin be any different from all the other males of his class?”
    “I worry about his drinking,” Charlotte whispered. “He is different, not…not the same person…in Kil-Kil-K-K…at home, he was wonder…wonderful…” Charlotte appeared on the verge of tears.
    Lizzie stretched her arm around Charlotte’s shoulder and pulled her into a hug. “That is enough worrying about something over which you have no control. Believe me when I say your situation is no different than any other London wife.
    “Now you must cheer up. Wait until you see the fun I have in store for you. You asked for a singing instructor; well I have found just the man for you.”

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