Fortune Knocks Once

Free Fortune Knocks Once by Elizabeth Delavan

Book: Fortune Knocks Once by Elizabeth Delavan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Delavan
need it. Until then I think you should practice a few simple responses and witticisms to use in genteel conversation when needed. A properly hurled bon mot here and there and you will be the wit of the Season.”
    Charlotte’s mouth pursed to a frown as she looked at Lizzie.
    That will not work. It’s ridiculous to think memorizing a few phrases will help.
    “You are skeptical, but I am sure it will suffice. I am so excited Charlotte! We will have worlds of fun and I can’t wait to get started.”
    “I will make a list for you and you can practice them and be ready to deliver them with all the panache and mastery as if you are on the stage. We can make new lists as needed.”
    This seems so silly, writing lists of things to say.
    “It may seem silly to talk of lists, but knowing the shallow nature of Society conversations, I really think a few phrases or sentences should last all Season,” she giggled at the thought and raised her fingers to her mouth to stifle the sound, turning her head away from Charlotte.
    Charlotte’s eyes widened and she released a small giggle in response. When Lizzie looked back at her, they both stared at each other for several seconds and then burst into laughter.
    From that moment they were lost. The more they tried to suppress their amusement, the less successful they were.
    After several minutes of laughing, both holding their fingers of one hand over their mouths to restrain themselves, they gave up and slumped back against the settee giggling loudly and without restraint. Charlotte’s eyes glistened and dainty, feminine laughs bubbled out over and over. Lizzie threw back her head and erupted into spasms of loud cackles and hoots.
    Even the emergence of Gil into the room with the tea tray only temporarily stemmed the tide of the merriment. When he entered they both hurriedly sat forward in their seats and composed themselves. But as Lizzie reached to serve, her hand shook and the tea things clinked noisily so she hasty set the tea pot down again. At that point Charlotte hiccoughed, causing another gush of companionable giggling.
    After several minutes, without saying another word to each other, the giggling slowed down, then both took deep breaths, composed their faces, sat properly erect on the settee and began taking tea.
    Lizzie poured, handed Charlotte a cup and looked into her eyes with her lips quivering into a smile. As soon as their eyes met, they both convulsed into uncontrollable laughter once more.
    Which is exactly how Colin found things when he returned home that afternoon—tea unserved and ignored, servants passing amused glances at the sitting room door and Charlotte and Lizzie chattering away like magpies, holding hands as they talked, occasionally dissolving in laughter and never making any attempt to fight it.

Chapter Eleven
    The rest of that week and most of the next passed in a whirl of activity. Lady Elizabeth never left Charlotte’s side during the exhaustive shopping—dresses for every occasion—hats—gloves—reticules—boots—shoes—undergarments—outer garments—in-between garments—and, to Charlotte’s utter delight, the most beautiful pink silk ball gown and matching pair of dancing slippers, with several more gowns of every type on order.
    Charlotte was receiving the final fitting for the gown that was her own favorite among the many accoutrements in her wardrobe now, standing in front of the mirror spellbound at her own image. The pale pink color of the gown was complemented by metallic thread embroidery along the hem. Long, narrow sleeves encased her short arms making them appear slender and elegant. Puff sleeves at the shoulders highlighted the creamy white skin of her bodice. The square neckline of the dress was trimmed with a stand-up lace collar that evoked a delicate air and framed her face beautifully.
    Even in my most lively and inspired daydreaming, I have

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