The Master's Exception

Free The Master's Exception by Veronica Angel

Book: The Master's Exception by Veronica Angel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Veronica Angel

    Sighing inwardly, I took note of the enormous crowd waiting to be seated for the lunch hour as I tied on my apron. Good thing I'd taken my break a little early today. The combination of hunger and lack of sleep was never a good one for me, and I'd pulled an all-nighter working on my book.  Stifling a yawn, I tucked a wayward strand of light brown hair back into my braid and returned to work.

    Catching the eye of my co-worker and best friend Grace, I gestured that I was ready to take over my tables. She nodded and winked with a wicked grin as if she was privy to a dirty little secret. There was only one thing Grace found that interesting , a hot guy. Scanning my usual tables in the more secluded area of The Red Monarch’s dining room, I found the only possibility. A tall man in an expensive looking suit sat at my last table, head down as he examined the menu.

    Slowly making my way towards him, I had a sudden rush of anxiety. Dealing with attractive men had never been my strong point. The last pathetic excuse of a relationship with my bastard of an ex had done nothing but make it worse. Taking a deep breath and straightening my apron, I looked down at the top of his head. His dark blonde hair was just short enough to stand at attention, but still long enough to run your fingers through it. “Hello, my name is Chloe Nascent, I’ll be taking over for Grace as your server this afternoon.”
    Setting down the menu, he looked up at me with the most soulful pair of green eyes I’d ever seen. Of course, they had to be green. I’d always had a weakness for men with them. Looking into those eyes, I swallowed and suddenly lost all train of thought.

    He smiled slightly, only one corner of his mouth lifting, the expression not reaching the rest of his face. This man was sex embodied and he definitely knew it. Taking his time in answering, Mr. Sex carefully looked me up and down. As his eyes met mine, I had the sudden image of him in between my legs devouring me.  Licking my lips, I quickly pushed the image out of my mind, found my voice and asked him if he was ready to order.

    He smirked in a sinful way and simply said, “Surprise me Chloe. For some reason I find myself trusting that you will know exactly what would please me.” Mr. Sex held my gaze with his smoldering eyes as he handed me the menu. His  words sound like he was referring to something much deeper than his lunch order.

    “Sounds like a plan then. I’ll bring you the best thing on the menu.” I tried to not to fidget as he continued to examine me with a ridiculously intense gaze. Reaching up to loosen his burgundy silk tie, he leaned back in his chair slightly while unbuttoning his suit jacket. His waist was narrow, his chest clearly well-muscled.

    “Are you on the menu?” I felt a slight flush creeping up my neck at the suggestive question. For some irrational reason I was determined not to let him fluster me. This man was obviously used to throwing his weight around, and I’d be damned if he was going to get a reaction out of me. The problem was, as he leaned back even more in his chair I was overcome with a barrage of rather X-rated thoughts, my lower abdomen tingling in response. “I’m Spencer by the way. Spencer Tate.”

    Obviously he wasn’t expecting an answer so I collected his menu, unable to keep myself from smiling a little as I did so. As presumptuous as the question was, I still found myself feeling flattered and frankly more than a little turned on. I noticed him studying the angel wing tattoo on the underside of my wrist with open curiosity as I took the menu from the table.

    When I returned with his meal he took one look at the New York Steak and twiced baked potato and smiled his approval. “You are an angel, Chloe. I couldn’t have chosen better myself.” He sliced into the meat, the way he handled the knife deftly made him seem powerful and completely in control. Taking a bite, he closed his eyes in

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