Sometime Soon

Free Sometime Soon by Debra Doxer

Book: Sometime Soon by Debra Doxer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debra Doxer
to our cubicles in order to huddle and gossip. Nate and I have
barely sat down when Rob approaches. “How’s the baby?” he asks Nate.
    “She’s good,” Nate says
distractedly. “Did you know about this?”
    “I got the word on Friday,” Rob
    “What do you think?” I ask.
    Rob shrugs. “Hard to know. Like Tom
said, nothing will change in the short term. But in the long term it could mean
more opportunity, or it could go another way.”
    “Do they need two wireless security
marketing groups?” Nate asks.
    “We have the advantage there,” Rob
replies. “They’re buying us for our security technology. It’s something they
don’t have yet.”
    “Really?” Nate asks hopefully.
    “Yup. Although, it’s not rocket
science. It’s just marketing,” Rob adds, the right side of his mouth hitching
    My resumé is updated, as always,
and I’ve kept in contact with the recruiter who got me this job. But the
economy is terrible, and I now have a mortgage payment to consider. Despite the
rhetoric, there’s no guarantee that anyone’s job is safe. Even if mine were, I
don’t like the idea of working for Napa. Perhaps it would be smart to put out
some feelers. The idea of leaving my fate in the hands of a billion dollar
corporation to which I matter not at all, is unsettling at best.
    The office buzzes like a beehive.
It’s my turn to need a frappuccino and a chat. I email Bryn, and we meet at
Starbucks ten minutes later. I’m relieved to be out of the office. The entire
day, and perhaps the next few months, will be fueled by nerves and gossip.
    The late morning is bright with an
occasional chilly breeze that hints at the impending fall. Thinking of the
summer ending only adds to the glum mood into which I’m slipping. Bryn and I
take our frozen drinks to the outdoor patio table.
    “I’m not surprised really, but I
don’t know if I’m up to job hunting,” I say dismally, after having explained
the situation to Bryn.
    “You’ll be fine. And you might not
even need to find another job. Maybe you should wait and see what happens. Napa
is doing pretty well these days.”
    “Maybe.” At first, I was sure I
wanted to get a head start on job hunting. Sitting around hoping it would all
work out is not really my style. I prefer controlling my own destiny. But I
don’t want to be hasty, either. Perhaps the rumors about Napa aren’t true.
Perhaps I will love working for them. Maybe rationing toilet paper is a good
idea that I will want to adopt at home, too.
    “You could call a few recruiters
and see how the job market is,” she suggests.
    “I should at least do that. I have
a mortgage now and a cat who expects to continue living in the high style to
which he has become accustomed.”
    “Everything will work out,” she assures
me. “So, now tell me some good news.”
    “Good news?
Bryn nods at me.
    “Um, I haven’t gotten into a car
accident in the last three days.”
    “No,” she says, nudging my leg
under the table with her sneakered foot. “I’m talking about the Café Blue guy
you were going to call. You did call, right?”
    “Yes, I called.” Then I entertain
Bryn with stories of my sudden dating bounty.
    “ Two guys,” she exclaims,
eyes wide, bobbed hair bouncing.
    “That’s right. Of course, I hardly
know either of them, and it’s unlikely that either will become a relationship,
but I’m feeling pretty good about myself at the moment.”
    Bryn gives me a grin that is both
humoring and chastising. “Miss Optimistic,” she deadpans. We’re both sucking
our frozen coffee drinks when Bryn’s expression becomes serious. “Have you
talked to Katie lately?” she asks.
    I give her an exasperated look as
the cold mouthful goes right to my head. “Yes, I have, and she could really use
her friends right now. You need to get over this and call her.”
    “What do you mean? Why does she
need her friends?”
    I’ve said too much, I realize. I
don’t want to betray Katie’s

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