Devious Little Lies
miserable or not.”
    “Could be. She always was a classless bitch. I swear she thinks her great-grandfather’s past as a soldier during Prohibition gives her some kind of street cred.”
    “She’s hardly the only person in the world coasting along on someone else’s rep and I’m sure she won’t be the last.”
    “You’re right, Boss Lady, but you outrank her in so many ways. The boss dodged a heat-seeking missile with that one.”
    “Maybe one day he’ll appreciate it like he should.”
    “I’m sure he does. He just might not have the best way of showing it.”
    “Yeah. Maybe you’re right. Alright, Cesare, I’m ready to head home.”
    “I’ll bring the car around.”
    “Thank you.”
    Cesare nodded and disappeared outside. As Rena waited for him she looked around the boutique again. Sage Aprea had better watch out. One day she wouldn’t be in a protected class and Rena looked forward to the day that she could finally take the bitch down. Distinctionwas Rena’s, the start of her empire. She’d be damned if she let Sage or anyone else besmirch what she’d built.
    But that was just the beginning. Not only was she going to take her place in the fashion world, but the mafia was well. Whoever thought they were going to take down her husband’s empire was sorely mistaken. Be it the Feds or a fellow “wise guy,” they were going to find out that Rena was a queen coming with her own army. An unstoppable one.

Chapter Nine
    Rena was in labor. She and Tony had barely been married ten months and already she was about to give birth to their first child. At thirty-one she was going to be a mother again. Tony was ecstatic, but then the birth of a boy always seemed to make a man extra proud. Rena couldn’t help feeling a perverse sense of pleasure that she was going to give him the one thing his saintly Giovanna never had. For months, sonograms had been the only glimpse they’d had of the life growing inside of her. But now they would finally see their son.
    Her daughter, Tricia, had really not said much about having a new sibling. But then again, Tricia was at the awkward pre-teen stage when she couldn’t decide if she still liked her mother or not. Rena understood that it was all a part of growing up. While Tricia stayed with a friend as Rena labored to bring her new brother into the world, the expectant mother could only hope that once Tricia laid eyes on him, any resentment she felt would melt away.
    “This fucking hurts,” Rena said.
    “That’s why they call it labor, sweetheart. It’s not supposed to be easy.”
    Rena glared at her husband. If he were standing close enough to her, she’d rip his balls off. It was his fault her insides felt as if they were being ripped apart. Eve had screwed women for all time by eating that damn fruit.
    “Then how about next time we switch places. You can lay up here with your goods on display for all the world to see while a little elephant plays soccer with your insides.”
    “Come on, baby. You’re doing great.”
    Tony took a seat next to the bed and grabbed her hand. She squeezed back as hard as she could as another contraction ripped through her body.
    “I hate you,” she said as the contraction waned.
    “Then it’s a good thing I love us enough for the both of us, Rena.”
    He offered her an easy smile. The happiness radiated from him, shining in his eyes. If she weren’t in so much damn pain, Rena might have been able to really enjoy the moment with him. But foolishly she’d opted out of an epidural under the mistaken belief that the birth of her second child would be easier than her first. Fool should be written across her head in large, bold letters. Fifteen hours had passed and hopefully soon their little bundle of joy would be in her arms.
    “Good for you.”
    “Rena, we’re going to have a baby. Muster up some enthusiasm. This should be one of the happiest days of our lives.”
    “It is. It is. I just forgot how much being in labor hurts. I

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