Bound (Bound Hearts #1)

Free Bound (Bound Hearts #1) by S. N. Garza

Book: Bound (Bound Hearts #1) by S. N. Garza Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. N. Garza
Gram , is it?”
    The older woman’s breathing hitched as she said , “Oh. My. Yes, it is.”
    “Nice to speak to you. Maybe we’ll meet soon. May I speak with Adelaide, please ma’am?”
    “Of course, dear. It’s for you Addy-dear.”
    Got the Grandma wrapped around my finger. Nothing like a southern drawl to get a girls heart pumping.
    “What?” She growled into the phone.
    I laughed. I knew she di dn’t want me having her number, but I sure as hell was gonna get her to come see me. “Adelaide. Come see me. I live off Crisper Pike. Remember where that is? It’s a few roads from Chet’s place.”
    I was waiting in anticipation for her answer. She would probably say no. In which I would call her out and call her a coward. She couldn’t back down from that. Just as I was gonna say something, she said, “Yeah. Why not?”
    “Alright. Where you staying?”
    “Ha. I’m not telling you. I’ll see you in a bit.”
    Not that I needed her to tell me. Bryan gave me plenty of info. Well, everything. Down to her phone and address in Hankerton, to how much she loves cupcakes and her author name. I thought I’d give her a chance to open up, but it seems like she’s not going there. Well, yet anyways. I’d get her to let me in.
    It took Bryan six hours to get what I needed , and when he told me she wrote from Young Adult to ‘Romantica’. (Yeah that was a genre, romance and erotica.) I went down to Barnes & Noble to see if I could find a book with Phoenix Houston. Interesting pen name. The fire bird she had branded on her back came to mind. I really wanted to see that tat again. If I got extremely lucky. I would tonight. If I was very lucky.
    I bought her latest book, ‘Come to Me’, it was a n erotic romance. The clerk at the register looked to the cover of the half-naked guy with tattoos all over him, then back to me. Then the book, and back to me. She tilted her head as her eyes flickered a few times between the cover and myself.
    “Yes. I wanna buy it.”
    She then smiled and rang me up. She bagged it and leaned over the counter until I had to back up an inch. She whispered, “It’s really good. One of the steamiest reads I’ve read in a long while.” She backed up and with a funny look on her face, she said, “Enjoy.”
    Yeah. It was high time to tail the fuck outta there. I wasn’t embarrassed to be buying a damn chick book, but when a chick looked at me like I was a goddamn meal, and she was starving, was time for me to beat feet. Besides when I looked to see how many books she already had out, she had a lot. I was damn fucking proud of her. I always saw her writing when we were younger.
    I had gotten home and started reading it. I was about half way when I had to stop. Holy shit. This girl had some wicked fantasies. Dominance and submission? Being tied up? Bikers? How did this girl learn about all this shit? Damn. First romance book I’ve ever read. Had no idea books like these could be in public. Of course I’ve heard about this whole ‘Fifty Shades’ stuff, but what was that really? One chick I hooked up with told me about the book and how maybe we should try something from it. I was like WTF? No. I left during the bang and shot out of there. Crazy chick.
    This book had some wicked sex kinkery to it. Did women feel all hot and bothered after reading one of these? She actually did a really amazing job at the action. The hero was a Marine and he had to rescue the heroine from the jungles of an African rebel camp. There was special attention to the detail and I was happy it wasn’t about some virgin. The heroine could kick ass if she had the ability to do it. But after she was rescued and they got stateside their ‘passion’ or whatever, sparked or whatever. I had to stop after the first sex act. It was waaay too much for my first time.
    The fact Adelaide could write something like this , amazed me. I couldn’t wait to see her.
    After waiting an hour and a half for her, there was a knock on

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