Encountering Evil: Dark Horse Guardians Book Two

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Book: Encountering Evil: Dark Horse Guardians Book Two by Ava Armstrong Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ava Armstrong
been misleading and he regretted saying it. "Well, someday."
    Deep down he knew he could never work a typical nine-to-five job. He would feel like a caged animal. He was a warrior and needed to use his body and his mind continuously doing something that made a difference in the world. He needed the camaraderie of his brothers more than he needed food. He knew he had to quickly change the subject. "Hey, it's a beautiful day, let's walk Einstein and take a ride on the bike. We can stop for lunch and maybe go swimming at Panther Pond. I'm sure your mother and Rusty would like to have company on a hot sunny day." Lara looked at her phone. "Let me move this one appointment and I'll change my clothes." He observed her as she made a quick phone call all the while feeling her eyes linger on his naked form on the sofa. Winking at her, he didn't cover up with the towel. He was drunk with Lara's attention. His thrill twenty-four hours ago was the adrenaline rush and the mission; at this moment his thrill was Lara.
    They quickly dressed and took Einstein for a long walk. "What did you accomplish while I was away?" Ben queried with a smile. "Well, Ben, I have something to discuss with you…it's a lovely saltwater farm." Once Lara shared the story about the sailing trip with Eliot, dinner at the yacht club, and tour of the saltwater farm, Ben's happy smile had disappeared. He knew Eliot was behind the whole idea. "Why do you want to live in Falmouth Foreside two doors down from Eliot Stone and all of his high society trust fund friends? Wouldn't you rather live on a farm – a real farm – just twenty minutes north of Portland?"
    Lara was quiet but her lovely green eyes were riveted on his face. Ben continued, "I checked out a farm just before I left. You remember. I showed you the photos on my phone. It was when I secured the bungalow for your business. I'll take you out there tomorrow…you'll see. I think you might like it." Lara smiled. "I'll see your farm if you'll see mine …" Ben knew he would be making a trip to Clearwater Farm two doors down from Eliot Stone's estate the next day. But, for Lara, he would do it. Her happiness was paramount to him. He would go to the ends of the earth for her. Whatever she wanted, he'd make it happen. His life was empty before her.
    ~ Lara ~
    Lara packed her leather sack and hopped onto the Indian motorcycle with Ben to ride to Panther Pond. It was a great day to visit Rusty and her mother. The thermometer was pushing ninety degrees and it was humid and sunny, perfect for a cool dip in the pond. Lara wore shorts and a T-shirt. She never tired of embracing Ben on the motorcycle. With helmets and goggles in place they were off like a rocket stopping only briefly to inhale a couple of loaded cheeseburgers and a bottle of water. As Ben pulled the Indian motorcycle into the Panther Pond compound, Rusty was standing there to greet them and wolf-whistled, "Wow, that bike is a beauty. I used to ride one of those in my younger days." Ben shut the bike off and Rusty lovingly admired every little detail of the 1940's Indian replica. Lara hugged her mother and Rusty and they were excited to see them, "Come on down to the pond. I hope you have a swimsuit. It's too hot to stay out of the water today." Lillian laughed, "Are you two hungry?" Ben smiled, "Thanks but we just had a snack. You go on down to the water's edge and we'll get our suits on."
    Lillian and Rusty meandered down to their lawn chairs partly submerged in the water. Lara could hear her mother, "Oh, this water feels so good today…" Lara watched Ben as he dropped his clothing on the floor and slipped into loose swim trunks and flip flops. "Come on…" he teased Lara. She was always mesmerized by his body without clothing. Just the sight of him shirtless made her stare. But when she glanced at his perfect rear, well – that was it. She fell apart. She had just made love to him ninety minutes earlier but she was getting that funny feeling

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