Encountering Evil: Dark Horse Guardians Book Two

Free Encountering Evil: Dark Horse Guardians Book Two by Ava Armstrong

Book: Encountering Evil: Dark Horse Guardians Book Two by Ava Armstrong Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ava Armstrong
before he left their table, he turned to Lara and took her hand in his. "I want you to have the place. It should be filled with children and a happy young couple in love." Eliot watched as Lara's heart melted. Sterling gazed at her as if guessing Eliot was handing the property over to her, yet he didn't question it. He watched Sterling Brown drift across the room to join his wife for dinner.
    Eliot only wished it was him Lara was melting over instead of Lieutenant Ben Keegan and his pathetic little gift of a tiny bungalow. But he'd settle for being a close neighbor and friend. Finding a way to weave Lara into his life was Eliot's number one priority, no matter what the cost.
    ~ Ben ~
    When the sun came up, Ben and his team left the motel in pairs, staggering their exit. Each man with a new disguise, they slipped into the rented vehicles. Some rode together and dropped off at bus and train stations in the event they were being followed. Ben arrived in the west end of Boston and took a bus ride home. He hadn't showered for two days and noticed a few people mov ed away from him on the bus. He was dressed like a homeless person and surely smelled like one. He took a cab home and arrived at Noon. Einstein was excited to see him, but Lara was out renovating something somewhere. He sent her a text letting her know he was home and things went well. He remained vague in his communiqué with her, as always.
    Ben promptly got into the shower and soaped from head to toe, thoroughly enjoying the feeling of the hot water pounding on his weary body. As he emerged and entered the bedroom, he heard Lara fumbling with the lock on the door. Ben draped the towel around his waist and opened the door and she fell into his arms. He embraced and kissed her eagerly not noticing the towel had slipped to the floor. No words were spoken. He felt Lara come alive with his kiss and he wanted more. He slid the sundress off her shoulders and touched her perfect breasts. Lara pushed him onto the sofa giggling and she straddled him. Ben was overwhelmed with all of the sensual treats she offered. He inhaled the warm scent that drove him crazy and continued kissing her as he efficiently removed the barrette from her long dark hair. All at once the silky mass spilled down onto him. His hands were on her shapely bottom. "Oh God Lara, I've missed you so much, you have no idea…" he was frantic now. But he made sure everything happened in slow motion because that's the way she liked it. She made love to him slowly and deliberately and he postponed his satisfaction as long as he could. He felt her hot breath on his face and sensed her irregular breathing. For a moment she stopped breathing and tightened her grip on him. He was thoroughly hypnotized as he watched her. With his past lovers, if you could call them that, he had never taken the time to observe a woman as she experienced ecstasy. Ben had never made love like this. As he lost control with Lara they both collapsed on the sofa, out of breath. She was now lying with her back against his chest. Ben nuzzled the nape of her neck, "I can't stop thinking about you. I've never felt like this before… ever . Darlin’, I'm crazy in love with you."
    He waited as she caught her breath. Lara whispered, "I love you, too, Ben. I was so damned worried about you…why didn't you contact me?" He immediately felt regret for not calling or texting her during the mission. But when he was in hyper-vigilant mode he went to a different place in his mind. "I wanted to call you, but it all went down so quickly…plus, you know what I told you about communications when I'm doing this stuff. It could put me and the team in danger." He wrapped her tightly in his muscular arms and kissed her neck gently. "It won't always be like this. Someday, maybe I will live a normal life." Lara sat up and looked at him as if he just pronounced something significant. In shock, she uttered, "Really?" Ben instantly knew that statement might have

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